Another reason NOT to live behind the Baptists...

by Princess 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess

    I hate the Baptist church behind our house. They are loud and obnoxious in the summer. Their youth group meets on Tuesday evenings and more than once my husband has had to go over and ask them to be quiet. They shout in the parking lot past 11pm some nights. One night they had a car stereo on so loud my daughter woke up screaming. The Prince said he hasn't yelled that loud at anyone in years. (I was out shopping and missed the drama)

    Anyway, the biggest reason NOT to live behind a church? Every Monday at 6am they have their garbage dumpster emptied. It sounds like a plane is crashing into the garbage truck. They actually lift the dumpster and pound it over and over and over into the back of the truck. Then the very loud truck backs up beeping all the while and drives down the street right past our house.[>:(]

    You would think they would make good neighbors. The Prince told the pastor they were the worst neighbors on the street when they should be setting an example.

    They still suck.

    Whenever the noise level gets out of hand I casually mention to the Prince "The Christians are screaming again."


  • Satanus

    If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. You might like it.


  • Xena

    My dad lived across from a church. It was built there quite a few years after he had built his house. They were horrible! I don't know what denomination they were, but whatever it was I don't wanna be one of them! They would park in front of our driveway and block it...their kids would throw rocks at our dog...they built the driveway so that when it rained their driveway would runoff on to our front yard and flood it. When my dad complained the paster he said "oh well, that's why I live somewhere else!"

    My parents ended up moving away because of it!

    Bet they make Christ real glad to have them using his name!

  • Princess

    Thanks for the advice SS, but I don't think so!

    Xena, last Sunday I posted on a thread complaining about them parking in front of our house! The church had put up a sign that said no church parking and they ignored it. I was so pissed. They park in front of our house and walk across our yard. My five year old son goes out on the porch and yells at them. Cracks me up when he does that.


  • ozziepost

    Here in Oz the States have Noise Control laws which limit the hours that you are allowed to make any noise.

    Do you have anything like that in Washington?

    BTW just because they go to church doesn't make them Christian.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Billygoat


    It's unfortunate that the members of that church don't live by the principles they probably try to teach. I'm sorry for them, but I'm sorry you have to witness this as well. It's not a good example is it?

    But just a couple questions:

    Are ALL JWs bad? No.
    Do ALL black people have attitudes and live in the ghetto? No.
    Do ALL redheads have bad tempers? No.
    Do ALL apostates worship the devil and live lives of sin? No.

    But many people think so because of prejudices they have against those people. Biased and closed-minded prejudices that have no substance. I truly don't mean to be harsh...but the judgemental-ness that we try to leave behind as exJW's is still prevelant in a some of the comments that are made here.

    Not all Baptists have bad attitudes and live so irresponsibly. Many are good people that truly do live by what they preach and teach from the pulpit on Sunday. I just wish they lived close to you so you could see them. They're a lot of fun to know and be with!


  • Princess

    Andi, I should have been more specific. It's this particular church I dislike, not baptists in general.

    By the way, I grew up with four redheads and now live with three of my own! I take exception to your redhead comment...just ask Mulan.

    Ozzie, I keep telling Steve to just call the police, they will shut them up quickly. He is so nice though (with the exception of the evening he yelled at them) he keeps walking over to talk to them. This summer I plan on taking matters into my own hands and will call the police. I'm pretty sure one call to the authorities will embarrass them into behaving more neighborly.


  • Billygoat


    Thank you for not taking my comments personal. They weren't intended that way at all. I think you're one of the sweetest on this forum. I know your family is full of redheads...I just brought that up because I knew you would know not all red heads have bad tempers. Just trying to make a point.

    If they don't listen to what you or Prince have to say, call the police. People need to be held accountable for their behavior - no matter what religion they are.

  • D8TA

    You and your husband could...well, keep them "away" from the backyard portion of your house.

    1) Get one of those cheap plastic pools.
    2) Fill it with warm water.
    3) Invite some "liberal" friends over.
    4) On the churches loudest summer day, go to the backyard with pool.
    5) All of you strip BUCK-NEKKID
    6) Start your own baptism ceremony
    7) When the church goers gawk in disbelief, invite them over.
    8) If any come over, state they need to strip BUCK-NEKKID
    9) Baptise them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


  • Abaddon

    Saint Satan; "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. You might like it."

    Surely you mean "if you can't join them, beat 'em. You might like it."?

    Hell, THEY might like it...

    (humour, nothing to do with Baptists being kinky or otherwise)

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