Calebs Airplane:
Please understand that nothing uttered in the JW religion will ever remain confidential. The JW religion is not like the Catholic church with a priest in a confessional. It is an out and out falsehood that anything will remain secret. You are lucky it would remain a secret for 24 hours. In any given hall, all it takes is one elder with loose lips. It doesn't matter that all the others have high integrity and keep their mouths closed. It is to no avail. It will become known, even outside the hall.
In the church, the priest usually confides in other priests and generally speaking a priest is a priest for life. Now, contrast that with the chaotic JW religion. A JW elder may step down or be removed. If he is removed or steps down, what happens to all the confidential things he has been told over time? Everybody is at the mercy of his discretion, and that is assuming he even has any. Unfortunately for everybody, he is not bound by fear of lawsuits (if it would even enter his uneducated mind) for violation of patient or client confidentiality that a doctor or an attorney would have.
A JW elder may also tell things to his wife and he may also tell things to other elders elsewhere and they may tell their wives. Then all these wives get on the phone and tell all their eldress friends and the alpha-female hateful pioneers. Then all these smug bastards have much to talk about at their secret gatherings and barbecues. Do they feel a twinge of guilt? Hell no. They feel very righteous and like they have a free pass and it won't matter because they are around others who they deem to be in the "inner circle".
In the JW religion, there is NO confidentiality, and there is no accountability over this lack of confidentiality.
I hope any lurkers are taking this to heart.