I will admit that I have joined two a little while back just to see what kind of a response I would get. It is so difficult to meet new people in that: 1) work - there are now 4 men in all - 2 married old cronies and 2 younger guys that are just a no. 2) I have a lot of gay friends so when we go shake our bom boms it's usually at a gay club - 99.9% of the men there are gay 3) Friends of friends are usually involved. 4) Because I'm a full figure girl, no greek god, or any other male will take a second glance at me or come up to me while I'm having a coffee and slip me their number....
so....put up a profile - on the one site I have to admit I got a hellofa lot of interest.....all in no strings attached sex, threesomes, such kinky stuff that - well ja there is just some stuff I won't do.....The only pics men want me to send is of my woman bits and pieces, and the pics I get are just of penises (plural peni??) I'm no prude and I have a view healthy view on sex and would definitely like a lot more of it But these guys just don't want to go for a chat or a coffee - They want to get it on straight away and I just don't think I'm that type of woman. I don't mind a bit of kissing on the first date but aaaaaanway
Thus my conclusion = disaster experience so far.