Dating Sites

by LouBelle 13 Replies latest social relationships

  • Terry

    P.O.F. PLENTY of FISH is free.

    It is as good as any of the pay sites.

    A good profile write up, honest photos and a quick conversation start the ball rolling.

    Met nice people there.

  • MrFreeze

    Here's a couple articles about the OKCupid dating site.

    The first one was sort of a study to see how online dating was different for me and for women as in regard to responses they received based on profile:

    Second one was a fake profile to see how low guys would go. It honestly makes me embarrassed to be a man.

  • jgnat

    Remember that the popular dating sites in South Africa might be different than here. I hear you, LouBelle, about the men's expectations. The South African couples who move here, the women tend to be impeccably made-up. Perfect hair, perfect dress. With exceptions, it seems the men would prefer to leave their prize women at home. That has to be stressful and frustrating for the women.

    This being a mining town high in the mountains, the local women are very casual about dress. We're talking pajamas and hoodies. The hoodies because even on a hot day the weather can change on a dime. Any woman in a dress is spotted as a visitor.

  • flipper

    LOUBELLE- Mrs. Flipper and myself met on E-harmony .com over 7 years ago and we are still going strong going on 7 years of marriage pretty soon. We are very happy. It matches you up more on mental chemistry of 29 points of familiarity and common interests. It's a safe setting in the initial meeting where you only have to communicate through the E-Harmony E-mail you set up and then only if you feel comfortable if you so choose you can exchange your private E-mails. If it's not working with a certain person all you have to do is hit the delete button on the E-harmony site and that person is gonzo, will dissappear never to come back on your screen. And people are not allowed to send " kibbles & bits " pictures of their wedding tackle. Just their faces or partial body shots with clothes on. LOL ! Point is- I met some really nice women on the site before I met Mrs. Flipper , but she was an ESPECIALLY close match and E-harmony informed both of us of that leading to our meetup ! We are both glad we did it ! So Internet dating is not ALL bad- just have to pick the right site ! It's worth a try

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