Thank you Ann, Lou, Fernando...
I remember thinking that the bible says than Paul only become a christian AFTER being made blind... what? no one of the other christians that he has prosecute never atempt to preach him? Of course, but only a miracle was the "click" that move him... And now? we will make "clicks" in the people with... a magazine?
I made that paul question some time ago to my wife... she keeps quiet, but she is soooooooooo sleeping that it's better to let her alone in the meantime we made other changes. I love her so much, I don't want her pass that big deppresion stage. So, in the meantime if she wants to sleep, I will bring her another pillow.
But, of course, we miss a lot of meetings because of the kids and work, sometimes I go alone, in the weekends I go to the "preaching work" (alone, hehe), to make her do the minimun of the minimum. No regular study, no family study. We have about two years of this.
I told her in one opportunity and... you have to see it! she cries, she throw me my marriage photos, she scream. That was a really intense week! It was so overeacting that I preffer to tell her that I was to resolve my "doubts", that there is no need to worried, that everything is going to be ok. Still that was a far worse reaction that I was expecting... why?
In the next week she told me that she was pregnant! Lesson: never fight hormones and a cult at the same time because you will never win!
That was a couple of years ago. So I let her and we are "still in", at least a little. Yes, I take a lot of coffee in the weekends!
Now, let's move and then I will try again.
It's a cult. But you can learn to use their same tools too!