Anyone getting/hearing how baptism numbers are this summer @ conventions? In previous years, reports showed less baptisms per attendance numbers. Overall, annual 2012 Service Report showed for U.S. reduction in baptisms.
2013 Baptisms @ U.S. District Conventions Reports?
by Gayle 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
On Sat we had about 9 or 10 new ones that symbolized their dedication by water baptism.
from one poster with source at Brooklyn, NY. convention.
Calebs Airplane
Gayle... what was the attendance at tht Crooklyn DC? That seems really low, even for a small DC...
I sent a PM to that poster asking if he can get that attendance number from his source that was at Brooklyn convention.
Dist Conv are in full swing now.
Surely many here have to attend for whatever reasons.
Please post attendance and baptism figures.
One poster here informed me on my PM: I believe it was just over 180 (that combines both english and spanish. Attendance was a combined 26K on friday to 34K on sunday. This was of convention in San Diego. Believe it or not the attendance and the baptisms were split almost down the middle (I didn't ask permission to use his name)
Dividing 180 by 34,000 - .5% (this is still a low percentage).
^^^^It was me. My wife didn't take notes (good girl), so I did not verify with her. I have asked a couple friends, just to verify. I remember these numbers pretty clearly and I would say give or take a few, this was the correct number. Note that it was the largest District Convention in the country, as it is every year I believe. Mainly because they combine the two languages, and use Qualcomm stadium. It is only slightly more offensive than going there to see the Chargers play.
thank you, problemaddict, I should have asked you at the time, but certainly appreciate you verifying it was you.
I hope to utilize this thread for any of these reports. Any willing to report here, would appreciate. If you want me to report it, because of anonymous concerns, please PM me.
When the WTS is claiming publishers are increasing (lowering their bar requirement), yet clearly baptisms decreasing, something is happening negatively for them.
from Missoula Independent News:
room to follow up for your comments if you wish.
Just before noon, 20 boys and girls, seemingly between the ages of 12 and 16, and three adults baptized
That's .4% ratio to attendance. 86% were their youth.
Julia Orwell
With fewer converts and mostly born ins getting baptized and many of both stripe leaving, in another few generations the genetic pool will shrink and JWs in some areas may start to see similar problems to the Amish. Inbreeding is inevitable down the track, but then again JWs are a mobile group as they move around to 'serve where the need is great' and therefore can bring new genes to a community. But think of this: how many of you already know those Jw dynasties that seem to be everywhere and married into every other local Jw dynasty?