Penelope, I need to graciously accept that my comments have upset you and for that I apologize. The standards by which I respond do not depend on either "Scripture" (whether the Bible or some other source believed to be of Divine origin) or examples set by men (e.g., the deplorable behavior of the GB). We share a common conclusion that the Watchtower is a deplorable religious organization. The "methods" we individually chose to expose that organization differ significantly. On that I am willing to agree to disagree with you. I am a third-generation Born-in but left years ago. I consider the Watchtower simply a more extreme form of a Christian-based religion and am well aware of research on the JWs - much of it seriously flawed in methodology and well discussed on threads on this forum. Again apologies for my comments. I do accept you are sincere and well motivated - I just know your approach would have put me off were I still in the organization. You do not have to agree with me, by the way - but it is my honestly expressed feedback - as was yours to me. Best