JWs sure love urban myths. The JWs have their own collection built up over many years, part of their own unique worldwide Jw culture. I've come across the same ones in America that I've heard in Australia, and they pass from legend to myth and finally reality as quoted from the platform. So I'd like you to add Jw unique urban myths you've heard. I bet a lot will be very similar, and a lot will be to do with demons.
I'll start sharing this interesting cultural phenomenon with this one: a man who's just this minute murdered his wife and kids has two sisters knock on his door. They have no idea what's happened and go on their way. When in court the murderer is asked why he didn't kill the Jw women, he says, "there were two huge men with them!" Turns out the angels appeared to the man to protect the sisters. This is the most common urban myth I've heard.
What other corkers have you heard?