1. QFR Page 30 comment reads:
I enjoyed the article "Cathedrals--Monuments to God or Men?" (June 8, 2001) But isn't it true that JWs build rather large Kingdom Halls and Asembly Halls?
AWAKE! responds: We criticized the building of cathedrals not simply because they are big but because the driving force in building them was often what one historian called the "arrogant pride" of religious leaders. Also, financing these huge structures often worked an extreme hardship on parishioners. By way of contrast, Kingdumb Halls and Assembly Halls are modest structures that are not built to bring any praise to any humans. Rather, they serve as places of worship. These halls are financed by voluntary contributions and do not impose an unreasonable financial burden on anyone.
Aticle, p 18. KEA: Clown of the Mountains. (about some bird in New Zealand. I particularly like the stilted language of the article)
"they are rogues but lovable!" Bootlaces are especially fun to play with. When a new complex was being constructed.....one began stealing nails! While the exasperated builder chased him away, another stole his cigarettes. As the impertinent kea shredded the tobacco and paper, all his mates screeched in raucous approval!
Indeed, their intuitive, happy, often clownish behavior reminds us that they are part of the creation of Jehovah, the happy God! --1 Tim 1:11 (they fail to mention their Happy ass God is going to kill you if you don't subscribe to his magazines, LOL.
Divorce and Separation--Caption box p 10
"What can be acceptable grounds for separation?"
1. willful nonsupport
2.another is extreme physical abuse.
3. absolute endangerment of a believer's spirituality.
Enjoy, I'll post more later.