My youngest sister was married last Sunday and I was actually invited. Not to the reception of course but all of us ex-JW relatives had our own party so it was still a great family reunion! I'm one of 6 siblings (2 step siblings, 1 half, and 2 whole :-) Anyway, this was not my first time going to a wedding of a sibling and being an ex-witness. It was a lot easier this time and I had more time to pay attention to everyone. What really struck me was how unhappy everyone was. I mean it's a wedding and the only ones smiling are the bride and groom. Everyone else was kind of "bleh". The wedding itself was a little different too. I've been to a ton of JW weddings over the years and they used to be great/normal. But even though my sister looked gorgeous and like a normal bride, the whole thing was oddly simple. 4 bridesmaids, 4 groomsmen, my sister and the groom. The bridesmaids had little bouquets and one of the flower girls dropped a small handful of petals. That was it. Now they did say that a meeting was scheduled soon after so I get the simplicity to a point but why get married on a Sunday, after your meeting and before the next? Is this how they're doing it now or was this one just an anomaly? I don't know, the whole thing just seemed weird. Have any of you had a similar experience?
Odd KH Wedding
by earthfire 19 Replies latest jw experiences
Are there other congregations sharing the Hall and using it on Saturday? Isn't 4 bridesmaids and 4 groomsmen enough? Is that considered small and simple now-a-days? To me, that is more than enough.
It's not that large of an area for all day Saturday and Sunday to be taken up. This is the first time of gone to a Sunday wedding. But it's not a huge thing, just thought it was all weird. About the number of people 4 each is fine, something just seemed really off. I couldn't totally put my finger on it.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Hi EarthFire, I am just on the sidelines..."listening".
I have never heard of this.
Can you say which continent or country you are in, if you feel safe enough to do that?
My most uneducated guess is that to get all their family and friends together...Sunday was the day? The venue was available and or cheaper if it was rented and used on a Sunday? The guys tuxedo's were 1/2 price if rented on Sunday?
I have no idea.
Just Lois
Julia Orwell
My JW wedding a couple of years ago was simple as: 2 bridesmaids (I only wanted one, but my non-JW mother insisted I have at least two) and one best man- that's it! Anything wedding is so expensive and it's hell organising, and with most JWs getting married two months after getting engaged, of course it's going to be simple. We had 8 months to organise our wedding, and it was still stressful! Mind you, mine was the most fun wedding I ever went to and I had a blast that day and so did the guests.
The wedding was in Wisconsin here in the U.S. and in a rather wealthy area and my family though not "rich" is not broke. I don't think you pay to rent the KH for a wedding do you? I could be wrong on that, I don't know. It may all have been nothing but the lack of joy was disturbing.
Julia Orwell
No, KH and JW celebrant is free.
Julia Orwell
Explain more this lack of joy. Was it the guests thought the couple shouldn't get married, ie they were too young or not together long enough? Was the guy a douchebag? Or did the family not approve for some other reason? I've heard of family being 'joyless' at weddings for those reasons.
LoisLane looking for Superman
EarthFire , By venue, I meant where the reception was to take place.
It is a puzzle why the lack of joy on the guests faces. Everyone was kind of " bleh " except for the bride and groom.
Maybe the audience of active JW's knew things. Gossip garbage. Had he been engaged to someone else? Had she? Did the COBE give a talk that week on proper conduct at weddings or someone was just announced they were DF that week, or someone in cong is dying or died ???
I guess only "The Shadow" knows. (Old radio mystery man).
Just Lois
My sister and her now husband are in good standing as far as I know, and they're both 22. It wasn't like people were angry or giving dirty looks, well except at me and my other brother and sister who are both DF. I left the org for good at 22 and never got baptized. ;-) I think some are upset that they couldn't put that label on me. HA
Anyway, maybe they all lightened up and had fun at the reception. But you're right Lois, maybe "The Shadow" knows.
This wedding looks more fun!