Have you ever wondered, why do I feel this way? Are the feelings we have our own or are they being influenced by satan?
Are your emotions your own?
by Stauros 12 Replies latest jw friends
i used to live my post jw life like a chicago bears fan; constantly depressed. i recently started improving myself and i am so stoked on my own self confidence. to be happy with yourself is GREAT for the first time in 20 years. i pawned my emotions and i love it.
Our feelings are not influenced by Satan. If that were true then we wouldn't have free will. If you are feeling like you need to talk to someone then please do. Depression gets a lot of us and can lead to the darkest of places. But there is always hope. The best thing to do is to help someone else when you are feeling down. This gets you out of your head, you help someone and you get to feel better because of it. I hope that helps a bit.
Have you ever wondered, why do I even like this women she is not even my type. Yet she lingers in your mind and thoughts of her cause you anxiety. Is this normal or do other people feel this way? What if you are tempted by another women while in a relationship?
You sound more lovesick than demonized.
new hope and happiness
Stauros.. wow is it love or is it infatuation? Maybe they mean the same thing? Anyway with " love or infatuation" we have no freewill.
you ask " what if we are tempted by another woman while in a relationship" and my, is that answer is not black, white, right or wrong or even something in between . Love can be a terrible thing it can also be a wonderful thing.
Neither love nor infatuation. Just emotions tugging at the heart but they do not make sense so at times I wonder if there is outside influence on my emotions.....
Emotions don't make sense. I love Elvis, and my friend loathes him. We have all been "domesticated" to react in certain ways to certain stimuli. We all have variations in body chemistry that makes us react differently to things. I don't see how anyone outside yourself could influence your emotions. If that were possible, I wouldn't care about certain people who do not merit my concern because of their attitude and behavior.
Maybe you need professional counseling. As far as "making sense," very little in life does.
We turn on our emotions by thinking thoughts that cause chemical productions in our brains, nerves and the rest of our bodies. As well, our emotions, like attractions based on sex are based on our animal drives. This comes largely from the dna. We aren't unique in this. Among animals, a few of them do exactly like many of us do, mate for life, or long term. Some of those play around. Satan has no hand in any of this.
here goes the excuse: "satan made me do it" feel it"