Thanks Blondie
And to ArbloesdeArabia, great comment.
by blondie 14 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Blondie
And to ArbloesdeArabia, great comment.
Thanks Blondie... I love the comparisom in Para 1 with the actual preface to the RSV Bible. It shows up their dishonesty and and disregard for "the truth".
In para 14 they discuss how "Bible scholars" have champined the use of Jehovah, in support of their argument. Among these are Henry Grew, George Storrs and even C T Russell. If one makes an "appeal to authority" then it must be a recognized authority. These men were the foundation of the WTS itself, in effect they are quoting themselves to support their argument! Surely fallacious reasoning....
After telling us of God's great love and kindness , we end the article with this 'fire and brimstoone' citation from Ezekial 38 :
21?“‘And I will call forth against him throughout all my mountainous region a sword,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. ‘Against his own brother the sword of each one will come to be. 22?And I will bring myself into judgment with him, with pestilence and with blood; and a flooding downpour and hailstones, fire and sulphur I shall rain down upon him and upon his bands and upon the many peoples that will be with him. 23?And I shall certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah."
Oh dear! am I motivated to love him? I think not.
God, if S/He exists, has many names. To say one of those names is better or more important than the other is up to God Her/Himself and who can really know the mind of God/dess? Many of us have at least 3 names. Which one is more important?
A good table showing each and every instance where the name Jehovah was inserted into the New World Translation version of the Christian Greek Scriptures is located at:
See pgs. 132 to 139 printed
(pgs. 146 to 153 as viewed in Adobe Acrobat)
Table totals are on pg. 137 printed (pg. 151 in Adobe Acrobat)
I printed out that section and showed it to my longtime elder dad.
I also gave a lengthy comment in the Sunday Watchtower study mentioning how the name Jehovah was inserted into the New World Translation Christian Greek Scriptures a total of 237 times, 125 of which where there was no reference or quotation in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Then I mentioned how the name Jehovah was actually the invention of a Spanish Dominican monk, Raymundus Martini, in 1202 A.D., printed in his book Pugeo Fidei of 1270 A.D.
I also mentioned that “JHWH” was transliterated from the Masoretic Hebrew text by adding the vowels of “Adonai” (Lord) combined with shortened Hebrew forms of the words “Jah” and “Jahu” (in proper names), and that the vowels of “Adonai” were combined with “YHWH” to produce the word “YaHoWaH.”
Lastly, I mentioned that there was an archaeological find of the Tetragrammaton in Baal culture art on the “bull man,” called “Lord of Samaria,” and that it was also linked with Italian “demologia” (folklore) and the Illuminati.
Apparently there were some people seen scratching their head by the time my comment was done. I didn’t expect everyone to completely “wake up” as such, but I always like to look for an opportunity to somewhat discreetly slip in some thought-provoking information into my comments on Sundays. (Every little bit helps, I guess.)
(I also printed out and showed my dad photographs of the Tetragrammaton shown in ancient Samarian art of the pagan “bull man” god as well as in a diagram of a Masonic temple, and also a Tetragrammaton similarity referring to “Satanas” (Satan) in a couple of Scripture manuscripts. I sometimes try to get him and my mom thinking too.)