Due to Ongoing Concern about Dwindling Meeting Attendances, IS THE BOOK STUDY ARRANGEMENT GOING TO BE RE-INSTATED NEXT YEAR?

by steve2 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot
    mP - "Perhaps the answer is also related to the fact its bloody hard to keep writing books. The more you write the more evidence you leave for redicule and examination."

    Damn, I hadn't even thought of that.

    They're not releasing less and less (new and fresh) Bookstudy-type material because they eliminated Bookstudy night; they eliminated Bookstudy night because they have less and less (new and fresh) Bookstudy-type material they can release...

    Like HarryMac said about the Revelation book; even though it's Watchtower canon, they can't keep recycling the same stuff over and over, especially if there's a case of collective writer's block developing in the Writing Department in the form of a dwindling pool of talent.

    I mean, the writing and publishing arm of the WTS must be feeling the effects of the same brain drain the R&F is experiencing, by now, right?

  • Oubliette

    Hoser: any corporation that drives away it's most intellegent, honest, and ethical will suffer a leadership crisis

    Will? Has!

  • clarity

    Ahhh ...those days of the intermission between public talk & W study!

    Mostly allowed the smokers to lite up in the back or outside!

    I can't imagine anyone wanting to go back to a meeting that

    the gb has basically trashed themselves!

    Not that important now! LOL

    They have basically ...shot themselves in the foot!



  • steve2

    they can't keep recycling the same stuff over and over,

    Well the GB could keep doing it I suppose - but even they appear to realize that repetition has its upper limits. Besides, its the writings on Revelation that expose the organization as just another "nut"-filled religion, with its highly speculative, inconsistent, ever-changing interpretations. I remember reacting with astonishment that intelligent people could swallow the interpretative garbage about whole sections of Revelation foretelling the passing of resolutions at (wait for it!) American conventions of "humble" Bible Students in the 1920s. Wow! Momentous fulfillments - and on your very own doorstep. Honey, if you can swallow that level of self-important application, you can swallow absolutely anything they ask you to.

    So much for providing the "deeper" things of "God's word".

    And, as the decades pass, and repetition becomes the order of the day, the toe-dipping shallow end of the pool is viewed by the dull-minded and captive audiences as the "deeper" end - enforced delusion subdues even intelligent-thinking audiences over time.

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