Cold Steel: " In the South, where we were all Methodists, quite often during "dinner" (dinner was at noon, and supper, a lighter meal, was at about 6 p.m., give or take a half hour), we would discuss what we'd heard in church and we commented and critiqued the pastor's sermon."
You were a Methodist before you became a Mormon, CS? Interesting.
" NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON was a bestselling book that convinced many of us that our way of life was under attack, and that there were those in government who wanted our youth to be bereft of religion, patriotism, virtue, integrity, education and intelligence—you know, like they are now. "
It's funny that you should lump the lack of religion with lack of patriotism, etc. My son was raised "bereft of religion." He's a highly intelligent and educated young man with a son of his own, who will in turn be raised as he was. There's no shortage on my son's part of patriotism, virtue, and integrity. I'm very proud of him.
When you make blanket statements like that, you should be aware that it's like spitting in the face of those who don't happen to fit your narrow interpretation of what attributes make up a good person.
It's an attack, as I'm sure you are well aware. So much for discussing religion "politely."