We must defeat shunning

by joelbear 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    Shunning is really what the Watchtower Society is all about.

    Every religion has moral codes, doctrines, taboos, etc.

    It is the deliberate psychological manipulation of people through social sanction that makes Jehovah's Witnesses different than any other religion.

    Yes, other religious people shun people but only witnesses institutionalize shunning.

    It must be defeated.


  • Francois

    I'm with you brother. But how?

    BTW, joelbuddy, I'm moving back to Decatur on May 4th. I'm so excited. We'll be just down the street from Agnes Scott College; and AND, we'll only be five minutes, FIVE, from the DeKalb County Farmer's Market - bless my little ol' pea-pickin heart.

    See ya there.


  • joelbear


    We have to do dinner sometime.

    How do we defeat shunning? I'm not sure. Was hoping for a discussion on it here.

    Shunning is the power of the Watchtower. Without it there really is nothing to hold things together. Without Judicial committee, marking, Dfing, Daing, taking away privileges etc, the whole Witness way of life dries up and is whisked away on the wind.


  • TheStar

    I'm with you too Joel but also have no clue as to how to go about it. If there is nothing legally that can be done, what else is there?

  • Elsewhere

    I came up with a very simple solution. I realized that it was the JWs who are doing the sunning, not ME. So I go about my business interacting with JWs when needed as if nothing has changed.

    I have gotten a variety of responses. Some will chat with me like old times, others will give the "Deer in the Headlights" look. It just depends on the person.

    It has taken some time, but I have worn my family down by refusing to play the sunning game. I made sure they understood that it was THEIR responsibility to shun ME, not the other way around. I am not at all shy about approaching them.

    When I was a kid my mom would sometimes play the game of "your not there"? She would walk around the house saying, "I don't understand... where did he go? I can't see him.” and all the while I was running around in front of her saying "I'm right here! I'm right here!" Well, just turn the game around. This time YOU are the grownup and you REFUSE to ignore the kid.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Francois

    Elsewhere, that is truly inspiring. Non-cooperation of the shunee. It's beautiful. And humans, being what they are, tend to engage in psychological reciprocity, they're bound to reply.

    I wonder how it would work if we all tried it? Like an experiment at one KH, where EVERYONE disfellowshipped from the particular KH, gets together and descends en masse on the KH for the Public Talk, doing exactly what you do, and making sure not to sit together, but to sit all over the hall. I used to go and sit on the front row, holding a tape recorder very obviously while I recorded C.B. Mitchell, lovable guy that he is.

    Watcha think?


  • Dawn

    Count me in!!

    I very recently came to the same decision as Elsewhere - I'm not playing their little game with their rules any longer. When I see a JW I used to know (and want to talk to ) I smile, say Hi, and start up a conversation. It's really amazing how many of them are talking with me even though they're not supposed to. Some wont' respond and try to avoid you (which makes the next encounter all the more fun for me ).

    And passing on these stories to my friends over a beer is a riot!!

  • Elsewhere
    And humans, being what they are, tend to engage in psychological reciprocity, they're bound to reply.

    You are right. Most people will engage you. If you get a human to respond to you, you have effectively entered a "relationship" with them. The only way for them to avoid this "relationship" is to completely ignore you - which most people cannot do.

    Oh, and here is the kicker. I will NEVER bring up anything spiritual, biblical, or relating to the Organization (being an atheist, it easy for me to think and speak in purely secular terms). However, if they bring it up, I consider it to be an open topic, which can be fully explored! They can only blame themselves.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Reborn2002

    DeKalb County?

    Forgive me for asking, but there is a Decatur and DeKalb Illinois, which is only about an hour from me.

    Is this the location to which you are referring? DeKalb County Illinois by Northern Illinois University?

    If so, I am very close proximity to both of you. If not, I apologize for the misunderstanding.


  • Elsewhere

    Something that can be done is to stand at the parking lot entrance and pass out flyers to the people as they leave.

    Make sure we dress up in nice "JW" suits with "JW" bags. [tee-hee] So long as we stay on public property (side of the road), they cannot make us leave. [Dr. Evil grinning with little finger]

    We could also put flyers on peoples windshields during the meeting... some KHs have MSs guarding the parking lot, but most don't

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

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