Just published another article on my website. I promised I would make a more complete study on dating the book of Revelation.
It’s an article in six parts:
Part 1 - The anachrony of the book of Revelation
Part 2 - Two dating elements in the messages to the seven congregations
Part 3 - The “lord’s Day” in Revelation
Part 4 - Paul reports a supernatural event
Part 5 - More evidence in the pauline letters
Part 6 - An order to keep a secret
Here’s the introduction:
"On my previous article “Sit At My Right Hand - When?”, I made a claim that the visions of Revelation were received by John around 41 CE, but only put in written form around 60-62 CE, likely in installments. I would like to address this subject in greater detail now.
The Watchtower Society claims that Revelation was written circa 96 CE while John was exiled in the island of Patmos. However, this date for the exile is really guesswork. Scholars like John A. T. Robinson think that John probably wrote his gospel and letter(s) around the interval of time between 50 -65 CE [Redating the New Testament, 1977] ; It is commonly accepted among scholars that Revelation was written before John's synoptic gospel, since some passages in the Pauline letters and John’s Gospel seem to make reference to passages in Revelation.
It’s not absurd to conjecture that John could have been exiled into the island of Patmos even before the great persecutions to Christians exacted by Emperor Nerus during 64-68 CE, the same ones that saw the execution of the apostles Paul and Peter. The Revelation could have been received earlier than 64 CE, since John apparently didn’t suffer martyrdom at Patmos (tradition says he died of old age in Ephesus with nearly 100 years of age), which may agree with the fact that his imprisionment and exile in Patmos happened outside a major outbreak of violent persecution such as those under Nero (54-68) and Domitian (89-96) and yet still in time to be known by Paul and the other apostles.
By 60 CE, Paul wrote to his brethren in Colossus that “Christ is seated at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1; see also Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 1:3) This “seating” equals being sitting in the throne as King of the Kingdom of God. (Psalm 110:1; 1 Corinthians 15:24) How could Paul know for sure that, at the time of writing of his letters, Jesus Christ was already sitting in his throne and ruling as King? Naturally, because Jesus himself had disclosed that already in the Revelation given to the apostle John.
But, is there further solid evidence that can help establish an earlier date for the Revelation? Yes, there is."
I believe it draws a few innovative conclusions. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed researching it.