Faith Healers etc ... what thoughts now ?

by *lost* 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • *lost*

    They were allways off limits when jw's.

    But now, analysing everything, there are more questions.

    like what about healers, and alternative therapies etc.

  • cofty

    Homeopaths, chiropractors, faith healers, crystals and all other sellers of woo - Charlatans all.

    There is no such thing as alternative medicine, there is just medicine that can be proven to work through double blind trials and then there is bullshit.

  • Splash

    For my back and neck problems I can barely move my head for a week, visit my chiro and be fine the next day - massive relief.

    Now I dont put up with pain but get it sorted straight away.

    Works for me.


  • jgnat

    Double - blind

  • poppers

    Chiropractic adjustments have always worked whenever I had issues with back pain and neck pain.

  • *lost*

    Chiropractor saved my friend from becoming disabled cos of the back.

    chiropractor eliminated a lot of pain and suffering for me, found it to be brilliant, very effective, not expensive and fast acting relief. Put me back into alignment.

    Doctors and 'specialists' on the other hand, I found to be totally useless and not much help for anything, just handing out pills.

    Osteopaths are good also, depends on personal needs.

    Some physiotherapists are good, others not so good.

    Herbal, well is healthy and works.

    Well-being, very important.

  • rebel8

    Osteopaths are regular physicians.

    Taking herbs can be helpful and can also be harmful. I've seen more pts that I can count require admission to the hospital for trying to play doctor on themselves and unwittingly making themselves much sicker instead. I'm not kidding. Also you don't know what side effects they can have (because they haven't been tested for safety) or even what's in them (because they haven't been tested for efficacy).

    Another risky behavior I've seen happen is the tendency of many (not all) to rely on what they think is healthier while refusing medical care. Google Steve Jobs--just one of many examples. Of course that course of action is indeed a choice you don't have to make.

    Science just means a process of obtaining proof. It's not something to shun like the dubs do. If something is helpful then there is nothing to fear from proving it...

  • QC

    Chiropractor saved my friend

    Top notch US medical provider, Kaiser, uses chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage treatments . They work fabulously, I feel great!

    proven to work through double blind trials

    And, "double blind trials" studying the human brain prove "proper methods of prayer" are therapeutic, causing longer life span (corrected).

    cofty, I was thinking of you when I read it.

  • Simon

    That Mitchell and Webb Look: Homeopathic A&E

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I have been to a chiropractor a few times. First time was during back went out...I was in so much pain I could barely walk. That chiroprtator also did some other althernative type of pressure treatements. He said that he couldn't do any manipulation because I was 8 months pregnant at the time and asked if I was ok for him to try something else. Of course I was happy to try ANYTHING at that point, I was in tears and could not stand up straight.

    He got me to lie on the bed and simply put his hands under my lower pelvis, I don't know what he did, I barely felt anything at all. 20 minutes later, I got up off that bed and felt wonderful. Pain was GONE.

    Second time I went to chriopractor I had dislocated my rib...could hardly breathe. After some massage and stretching she pushed that thing back into place. PROBLEM FIXED. Plus I felt great afterwards.

    I'm not sold on would take a lot to convince me that that does anything. But naturapathy is a different story. I have had a lot of success with herbal remedies when conventional medical treatment has failed or made the problem worse.

    I use a herbal cough mixture for my son now when he is coughing at night. Works straight away, everytime with no bad side effects like cough mixtures from a chemist. Which studies have now shown are not good for children and not recommended. In fact, my doctor told me they have shown to be innefective anyway. I also use a natural chest rub on my son now. No petrolium based products being rubbed into my sons chest any more.


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