Nu light - China will be the last great power before Armageddon
How will the WT spin China???
by Freeof1914 28 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Freeof1914 and 5go, just curious...what are you basing your comment that the USA isn't #1 any longer?...the numbers don't appear to validate that.
USA GDP, $16 Trillion vs. China at $9 Trillion (Fortune)
According to, USA Navy and Air Force #1, China's Navy and Air Force #3 (Russia is #2); USA Army #2, China Army #1 (Russia has the largest military reserve)
China has emerged as a Superpower, but it still lags behind the USA and Russia militarily and the USA economically. Things can certainly change quickly, but the USA GDP is projected to grow and remain the largest through 2025 according to Fortune. Military superiority is typically won in the air and at sea, so the edge goes to the USA.
I doubt we will see China hit #1 in my lifetime, so WT interpretation is safe for a while. If it were to happen, they will come up with an "over-lapping World Power" explanation!
Further to that, I read an article on BBC online about China approx 1/2yr ago. It did make me think the whole 'China's taking over soon' was a bit overstated. It was this experiment where families would empty out their homes of all its contents and have a photo taken with them and their stuff in front of their house. Some of those pictures looked really bad.
I am going to learn Chinese.
I bet the GB that happen to be alive when China reaches it's potential will invent some nu-light real quick! Bye-bye UN, you are no longer the eighth King, and the 10 toes of the image still mean nothing..
Just my two-cents worth:
The US is still top dog among the nations. But its hold on that position - and it is intent on holding that position - but its hold is diminishing.
Militarily, the US is supreme only because it is able to apply military force much more rapidly than anyone else. On an item by item comparison, Russia is quickly surpassing the US in nearly every catagory of weapon technology. Yet, economically, Russia is at a huge disadvantage in comparison to the US. And its ability to move an effective force to another region to counter the US is limited (much less than what the USSR had).
The Chinese military is also quickly growing technologically. In many areas it is rivalling the US. But China is still only a regional power. It has no blue water Navy (to speak of) that can rival the US Navy. It has little ability to extend its power beyond its own region. It has a few ICBMs which could cause great devastation in the US, but it would also die trying.
The real 'greatnes' of the USA is, not just its own economic base, but also how it has caused other nations of the world to become dependent on it. And from that standpoint, the US, over the last decades, has allowed its great manufacturing base to diminish. The passage of time has also made it increasingly clear to other nations that the US has manipulated their economic dependence to its advantage.
IMO, the only thing keeping the US clearly at the top is the willingness of other nations to allow it to be. And, in fact, the alternative would bring them alot of pain also. Once they decouple their economies from the US and the dollar, the US economy would take a serious fall. And the nation would, effectively speaking, become a regional power due to having to deal with its own internal troubles.
In past times, when the US manufacturing base was supreme, that wouldn't happen. The US did not need anyone else. But the US has become somewhat of a paper tiger. It needs everyone else, as much as everyone else thinks they need the US. The change from the US being the top nation is only a willingness of a conglomeration of nations to say enough is enough.
Again, IMO, no single nation could replace the US as THE top power. None have the ability that the US has had. It would have to be a conglomeration of nations, likely through already established international ties (aka the UN and associated agencies such as the IMF).
As far as the king of the north is concerned, the WT has reached a roadblock in their interpretation because the prophecy only predicts one king of the north in "the time of the end." (Dan 11:40-45) The WT, in their wisdom, has decided that their are several. They have missed something. And you can't tell them anything because they think they already 'know it all.'
My two cents worth (well, oK, maybe three)
For anybody interested in the rise of China, read Martin Jacques’ When China Rules the World. The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order. Second Edition (2012). Penguin Books. In his Afterword there is a subheading called "Be Prepared for a Surprise...", an indication of the speed things are moving. He predicted China will surpass the US economy in 2018. The IMF has already upped the ante to 2016. I am sure even Jacques will find that surprising.
Captain Obvious
The WT would say that the US is still the largest most aggressive military power and therefore is still the king of the south or whatever. Or they will just ignore it altogether and hope everyone will forget like the Soviet Union being the king of the north.... Big "revelation from the lord" that was.
Captain Obvious, good suggestion. Interestingly, Dan. 11:40-45 ends with the King of the North being on top of the totem pole. After verse 40, there is no mention of the King of the South anymore. Wonder how they'll explain that one.
Captain Obvious
I don't they've read that far in their bibles! Remember, they're not allowed to read all verses in a row, only cherry picked ones out of context. That's just how they roll. Or they'd just state that half of the prophecy was "figurative".
China hit 9 trillion after about 60 year of existence most of that since 2000. The US took roughly 200 or so years to get to around 9 trillion and 234 years to get to 16 trillion do the math. Also the US has the most tecnological military but if you go off the measure of true strength (which has always been boots on the ground) China is the clear winner and to add to that they are catching up fast on the technology side as well.
So in short the US growth is slowing heavily while China is growth is growing heavily.