Boots on the ground matters not a whit if you can't get them to where the fight is.
How will the WT spin China???
by Freeof1914 28 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Wt needs a totally new spin for China, because their dogma is based on the "SCRIPTURES" that
spirit directed gave us such doozers as the
Talking Snake, but not the real DRAGON over the eastern horizon.
How short sighted of a sesert God.
Sooner why fight when you can get your enemy to slit his own throat . - Art of War I am pretty sure
The Chinese don't want or need to get them anywhere but they have deployed them and by much the same way the US does with comercial airliners and cargo planes. BTW a year aftem Vietnam War ended invaded China kicked it's butt in a couple of months of fighting. Something the US couldn't do after years of fighting. Why? They got boots on the ground and didn't even attempt to use technology like aircraft just lots of rifles and marching.
OK Sport. Do just a bit of research and look at the gross disparity between Chinese and US airlift capability. I think even you will be surprised.
Also, the invasion you spoke of was actually a border conflict wherein the Chinese advanced approx. 30 km into Vietnam in order to pressure Vietnam to abandon it's invasion of Cambodia (Which succeeded in toppling the Khmer Rouge).
I know you Austin guys are supposed to be the smartest guys in the room but c'mon.
Band on the Run
Pls, Americans are looney bins. This is not paradise. Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, Canaanites, Babylon, Rome, the Pope - all these emperors were as broad as the American empire. The most recent examples are France and esp. Great Britain. the US has been the modern Rome. China will overtake us. Soon. The English had to adjust to third rate status and we will. What keeps England important now is not military but its civil rights and parlimentary culture that it exported around the globe.
There is nothing special about America. Better democracies exist. In educational terms, we are slipping down into an abyss. Our health is declining. Soon, the Declaration of Independence and our due process and ciivl rights will be taught as the Magna Carta is now taught. Decades ago a leading prof told us this. He wrote Great Britain on the board and drew a line across it. My Engllish friend from Oxford was outraged. She could not control her anger. Yet she said he had a good point. Soon I will be in her shoes.
Band on the Run
I agree that the Chinese incursion into Viet Nam was markedly different from the French and American disasters.
what is new with China is such a large country with a monolithic government, a hard working, frugal people, in a moderate climate, unfettered by too many fetishes, religious fallacies, on the scene, waging war mainly in border defense, see Vietnam above, Korea. and buying their way into the world.
WT did not see this coming, across the east river as they are from the UN, the eights and last King. as they put it in print.
A spin from which they might not recover.
yadda yadda 2
The almost complete ignorance by the Chinese of anything to do with Jehovah's Witnesses shows the absolutely absurdity, nay perversity, of the idea of Jesus coming as a genocidal executioner of humankind. The WTS simply can't respond to this, because there is none. Jesus must either kill a billion Chinese or he must let them all go through into the new system where they will be judged there. The whole premise of the resurrection of the dead is to give all those a second chance, but a billion Chinese will probably be 'executed' by Jesus at Armageddon.
It's crazy, madness of the highest order.
This alone should be enough for any JW to allow themselves to be set free from their mental bondage to their religion. I started a thread about this not long ago in fact.
I'd say this is the way for them to go. This might buy them a few more years for their manner of interpretation.
Balance of Power
Dan. 2:28 In the final part of the days
Dan. 2:31-33, 39-43
The arms of the image: Medo-Persia.
The legs: Roman Empire, split into Eastern and Western Parts.
The feet of iron and clay: Final world empires mirror images of each other.
The ten toes of the image: UN, inclusive of all earthly governments (cf. “ten horns” of Dan. 7:7, 20; Rev. 13:2; 17:7).
Dan. 10:14 In the final part of the days
Dan. 11:31 , 36-45
King of the North King of the South
Dual world power Dual world power
Sino-Soviet Anglo-American
Initially USSR (primary) + PRC Initially UK (primary) + USA
Sino-Soviet Border Conflict (1969) War of Independence (1775-1782)
Split : 1960 Split: Declaration of Independence (1779)
Normalizing relations: 1989 Normalizing relations: Post 1900
Sino-Russian Anglo-American
Now PRC (primary) + Russia Now USA (primary) + UK
Autocratic Democratic
Communist ideology (mixed)` Liberal “Free” World
State dependent judiciary Independent judiciary
Limited practice of Religion Freedom of Religion
Nuclear capable Nuclear capable
China , energy dependent US + West, energy dependent
Closed (mixed) economy Capitalist, free market economy
Founder members of UN Founder members of UN
United front in Security Council United front in Security Council
Against West Against Eastern Block
Followers: BRICS, North Korea, Allies: NATO members, South
Africans and Arabs Korea, Japan, Australia and NZ