I believe it is right on the posting guidelines, point 3. I understand that a certain amount of swearing is tolerated, but when people abuse it, they are breaking the rules and may face consequences as per what is written under the rules. This goes for other things such as spamming or insulting other posters to prevent them from expressing other viewpoints. We do all have different viewpoints, and these rules help us to express them without being infringed on. Without rules, I believe the forum would degenerate into a bashfest, where every idea would eventually succumb to "That's not politically correct, unless you post the politically correct viewpoint, we will not tolerate it". Rules are necessary to prevent that from happening.
It is too bad we need these frequent reminders about the rules when we get reminders at the bottom of each post. People need to read those rules, or else face the consequences. No, I am not necessarily in favor of zero tolerance for swearing in a forum like this (because many of us have had our feelings repressed and have suffered devastating consequences as a result of the washtowel). But, everyone needs to be mindful--given the number of notices here about things that are right in the rule section.
And no, "political correctness" is not one of them. Each of us has different viewpoints. And if we were all the "politically correct" type, I feel many of us would still be knocking on doors. Political correctness is the world's means of controlling information flow--the same structure as the washtowel's various means of keeping people from discussing different viewpoints that might hurt nefarious organizations. If everyone respects such opinions, even if we do not agree with them, it broadens the scope of the forum while possibly helping bring down such nefarious organizations, whether the washtowel or not.