I have to admit I never really thought about this question until one of my classmates challenged me with this very question. She made an excellant point and I have to admit I am asking myself the same question does Jehovah enjoy watching people suffer. The case she brought up was the flood story. There probably were maybe a million people back then on the earth maybe half of them were "babies" and Jehovah had to have felt something watching those babies drown a slow and horrible death. I don't care what religion you want to believe JWs, Born Agains, Mormons, Islam, Muslam, etc; How could a God of love watch thousands and thousands of babies drown and die a horrible death? I could not watch my worst enemy suffer or drown let alone an innocent baby. Posters what are your thoughts on this question and please no "Watchtower" bashing this question has nothing to do with JWs or Born Agains but with Almighty God. I know many people have said Jehovah God has a "split" personality.
Do you believe Jehovah enjoys watching people suffer and why would you want to worship him?
by booker-t 30 Replies latest jw friends
You've got to look at the bigger picture. No matter the costs, Jehovah's name is above all others!! He must be known as the only true God.
If it means a few people lose their lives, then so be it. He gave 'em life, he can, and will, take it away when he sees fit.
I think he does. He shoulda stepped in and helped people a long time ago but nooooooo he'd rather sit in the sky and judge and criticize. Instead he leaves it to humans to solve there own problems. He's a dead beat father and he should be on the next episode of Maury. I dont have too much of a beef with Jesus but Jehovah aka g(G)od is the biggest douche bag of all time.
He created the situation by making a temptation and allowing an angel to corrupt his creation man. So then to let angels come and mate with people and then flood the earth, yes. The god of the bible is not loving.
Why, I do believe it's time for my favorite quote:
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it, a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” - Richard Dawkins
Like that too Shador.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Regarding all the suffering and injustice going on in the world today, it's not a case that Jehovah enjoys watching the suffering, he's just too busy monitoring peoples' sex lives and noticing when they're watching porn to bother with all the innocent people that are dying from violence and disease.
It depends on what book of the OT you are reading--
I hear that it was edited.If so the guy did a lousy job.
If good exist, he will have a lot to explain when he comes back. Remember how he punished his first couple. "The women will hereafter give birth in pain!!
Ingersoll said : "who could love a father that drown his own children."
And I am saying :what child could love a father that beats them, kill them, hurts them, bring them deaseses, and promise (according to GB) that he will kill them all in fire and thunderstorms if thay dont do as he says? No one will servive, according to WT.
I think it is much better if he does not exist.
IF there was a loving god, why would he not step in when there are extremely horrid acts of violence happening every day. Terrible torture. All he has to do is appear in a thunderball / puff of smoke and say in his booming voice, "I am god and if ye carry on this path I shall smite ye" I'm sure Hitler would have pooed in his pants! But apprenetly god doesn't get involved like that (if I was the almighty god and had powers - I would get involved) Look I'd let the earth carry on as per it's nature (earthquakes, etc) but when people acted violently against each other - well I'd step in - or at least have a superman character around to help them out.
So IF there is a god, he is like a little boy with a magnifying glass on a blistering hot day. We are the experiemental ants.