Thanks for all the kind words!!!
Former Long Time Elder, New Member
by James Jackson 88 Replies latest jw friends
welcome to JWN - please stick around and keep posting - would be good to get a feel for the current state of mind in the rank and file
will be interesting also to hear your take on Jehovah God -> Christian God -> Theism -> deism -> agnosticism -> atheism
And Call your son and tell him you love him or how proud you are of him. No further explanation needed. It's not too late.
I was asked what the elders thought/believed on this site.
Welcome, glad to have you here.
Welcome James..........Mr Jackson if your nasty (I hope you get that refference or it will just sound stupid).
I like many others here had quite the "spiritual resume". The golden boy in my area for a while. I actually took a step back when the blood issue came up with the birth of my child. I realized that I was parroting something it received as true before testing to see wether it actually was. Needless to say, it didn't hold up. That is when I realized JW's are just like everyone else. Good people, bad people, everything in between. The religion has some wonderful things about it, and some devious evil things about it. Just like pretty much every other religion.
It helped change the way I thought about us as a faith. Then however, I butted up against our control mechanism for free thoguht, also know as disfellowshipping for simply thinking different that the governing body, and saying anything about it to anyone. Even if there is no malice. The simple "dissenting conversation" is enough to call out the dogs, tell others you are an apostate and simply a tool of Satan. I am ashamed to have ever felt that way about others, including some here.
I am fading out, and so far I have been able to keep my friends. Its kind of amazing. I think I am one of the few people here that didn't end up here through an abusive or bad experience within the organization (although I have had that as well).
Your perspecitve is appreciated, and this welcome has probably already shown you that you are among a unique group of friends and people that understand what you are going through.
Your JW bio reads a lot like mine....welcome....I look forward to your perspective.
I didn't discover this forum until after I had walked away..... some highly intelligent, well read and entertaining people here....
Hello James Jackson, and welcome to this forum.