The two-tiered Christian system. WHY?!

by DATA-DOG 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • prologos

    The Wt leadership, while capable dominators, do not have a clue what is happening in reality/prophecy.

    they were SURPRISED by the swelling past 144 000 ranks, and the

    Opportunistically exploited that puzzling situation to create a new sub-slave class, permanently subjugated. the fake OS, GC.

    heathen: interesting and valid point about martyrdom, death-pact, but

    the meaning of the memorial is broader, more based on John 6.

  • AnnOMaly

    Some pointers.

    It's a spin-off from the Dispensationalist view about the 144k being converted Jews in the end times. That then becomes 'spiritual Jews' for the Bible Students.

    There were, in fact, several tiers of those saved. See Finished Mystery (1917), p. 575f. ('The Classes') at that link.

    By Rutherford's time in the early 1930s t here were 3 main classes:

    -Those of the 'high calling,' the 'royal class,' the 'Christ/Anointed class' who would be joint heirs with Jesus as king/priests.

    -The secondary heavenly class, the great multitude - spirit-begotten, but somehow negligent in their faithfulness. Therefore, they would be tested during the great tribulation, barred from being the 'royal class' but still serve in God's heavenly temple.

    -The Jonadab class/other sheep who were not anointed, who were 'men of goodwill' - still part of Satan's organization or the church system, but didn't sympathize with it (sighing and groaning, etc.) and who would be blessed on the earth.

    What essentially happened was the Jonadabs/other sheep (who were NOT Jehovah's witnesses, but companions or associates) got merged with the secondary heavenly class (great crowd) and became an earthly class in 1935. This was surprising since Rutherford was adamant only in 1932 (Vindication III, p. 204) that the great crowd WAS a spiritual/heavenly class.

    The 'two-classes of Christian' doctrine is based on 1914 and the old view that the sheep and goats were being separated from the time Jesus sat on his judgment throne in 1918. The earthly class could not appear before 1918/19, according to Rutherford. It is well worth reading the articles "The Great Multitude," Parts 1 and 2, in both August 1935 WTs that explain Rutherford's reasoning behind the whole deal.

    But if mankind is not yet being separated (in 1995 the 1918+ time frame for separating the sheep and goats was ditched), then the question is, on what scriptural basis can the GB/FDS find any evidence of two classes of Christians ? Once the JW view of the end times alters (and we also know the 607/1914 doctrine is bogus too), the two-class system can't be tied to it anymore. So where can we find reason to make a distinction between 2 groups of faithful Christians?

    This also fascinated me: there is some similarity with elements of early Gnostic teaching - thinking particularly of Valentinus in the 2nd century. He believed that mankind was divided into 3 groups: -The ‘pneumatics,’ pre-determined, spiritual, enlightened elect Christians who would immediately reach perfection at death; -The ‘psychics’ who were orthodox or ordinary faithful Christians who didn’t have the advanced spiritual advancement of the elect and tended to work for their salvation – a lesser salvation than the elect;

    -The ‘hylics’ who were the materialists, the heathen, soulless and animalistic with no hope of salvation.

    Some similarities exist with Manichaeism too – another Gnostic sect. (However, they mixed in elements of Buddhism, Zoroastrianism with Hellenistic Christianity.) They had a two-tier system – the elect and the hearers. The elect were very strict and led ascetic lives. They were full-time missionaries and were successful in propagating their religion. The hearers financed the work of the elect and were allowed to lead a relatively normal life.

    Sound familiar?

    w.38, April 1, p. 104, 105

    29 That one hope in which all such are called is the hope of being joint-heirs with Christ Jesus in his heavenly inheritance. Such a hope means that the consecrated ones with great pleasure and joy look forward to and expect in God’s time to receive a heavenly place with Christ Jesus the King. As Christ Jesus, the elect servant of Jehovah, when on earth was blind to everything save the doing of his Father’s will concerning the kingdom, so likewise those who have the hope of being with him in that kingdom must be blind to everything else and refuse to compromise with or let anything of the Devil’s organization or this world interfere with the full performance of duty and obligation, which the Lord lays upon those who are running for the prize of the high calling.

    30 If one has the hope of the high calling and his expectation is that he will be for ever with Christ. Jesus in heaven, then he must be dead to everything earthly ; as it is written : “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” (Col. 3 : 2,3)

    [ … ]

    33 The Jonadabs, or “other sheep”, are in a different condition. The Jonadabs have fled to the Lord and there found refuge. They are still human creatures, not even justified, because the receiving of life everlasting depends upon their faithful obedience within God’s organization and faithfully abiding there until the wrath of God is passed at Armageddon. It follows, therefore, that a Jonadab would not have the witness of the spirit that he is a son of God. The Jonadab must show his appreciation of the goodness of God by faithfully obeying the commandments of the Lord, and continue to seek meekness and righteousness andto joyfully await the time when he shall be fully ushered into the flock of the Lord and receive life everlasting on earth.

  • heathen

    I think revelation 6:9-12 says it pretty clearly, prologus . When the last one is killed by the ax then the 4 winds are set loose . A very inconvenient truth that the WTBTS invented some extremely convoluted dogma to cover the fact that all it's presidents and GB have not qualified .

  • prologos

    heathen, yes and of course they talk about the "anointed" 144 000. but

    the term linked to the 144k in Rev7 is not "anointed",(all Christians are) but

    "SEALED" sealed are confirmed , marked for martyrdom, axing.

    They try avoiding the axe by building a bunker retreat Upstate NY. preppers with our money.

  • Crazyguy

    It was all Rutherford, he had to do something about the numbers being more then 144k but did not like the newbies. Thats why he called them Jonadabs and they could not get baptised at first or go to the memorial celebration. He started the two class system, he said that the jonadabs were inferior. Read his Vindication 3 book.

  • 2+2=5

    There is no reason to believe that Rutherford was even sober at the time of dreaming up this doctrine.

    Unless evidence is presented otherwise, I will assume he was heavily under the influence of alcohol. Not fit to drive, let alone think up religious dogmas about heavenly callings and a pet lion paradise earth for others.

  • heathen

    LOL prologus . Yep the dooms day prepers show should take a look at their bunker. The way I see it is that the 12 tribes took on new meaning and they represent the saints who are adopted by holy spirit and symbolically called Israel of GOD . They get the gifts of the spirit such as prophesy , the early church could do faith healing and such and speak in tonges . The WTBTS does at times appear to be able to discern the scriptures since interpretations belong to GOD , it can only be done with holy spirit . The bible really doesn't say much about the GC other than saying they are blessed for their acts of faith and kindness toward the LF . Jesus said that he would judge people on how they treated ,"his brothers."


    @ 2+2=5.



    You are surely correct! The GB today have followed Rutherford's method. One of the Six Convincing lines of Evidence from the non-inspired, spirit directed, non-prophet, fallible, yet somehow God's spokseman class was:

    " 1/15/2000 watchtower

    Six Convincing Lines of Evidence

    13 First,weclearlyseethefulfillmentoftheapostlePaul'sprophecyconcerning"thelastdays." Paul wrote: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled." (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13) Do we not see this prophecy being fulfilled in our day? Only those who ignore the facts can deny it!

    14 Second,weseetheeffectsoftheousterofSatanandhisdemonsfromheaven,infulfillmentofRevelation12:9. There, we read: "Down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him." This has resulted in great woe for the earth. Truly, there has been much woe for mankind, particularly since 1914. But the prophecy in Revelation adds that when the Devil is cast down to the earth, he knows that "he has a short period of time." (Revelation 12:12) During this period, Satan wages war with the anointed followers of Christ. (Revelation 12:17) We certainly have seen the effects of his attack in our time. Soon, however, Satan will be confined in the abyss so that "he might not mislead the nations anymore."-Revelation 20:1-3.

    15 Third,wearelivinginthetimeoftheeighthandfinal"king"mentionedintheprophecyrecordedatRevelation17:9-11. Here the apostle John mentions seven kings, representing seven world powers-Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the Anglo-American dual world power. He also sees "an eighth king" that "springs from the seven." This eighth king-the last one that John envisions-now represents the United Nations. John says that this eighth king "goes off into destruction," after which no further earthly kings are mentioned.

    16 Fourth,wearelivingintheperiodsymbolizedbythefeetofNebuchadnezzar'sdreamimage. The prophet Daniel interpreted this mysterious dream of an enormous image in human form. (Daniel 2:36-43) The four metallic parts of the image represent various world powers, beginning with the head (the Babylonian Empire) and extending down to the feet and toes (the governments that are ruling today). All the world powers represented in that image have made their appearance. We are living in the period symbolized by the feet of the image. No mention is made of other powers to come.

    17 Fifth,weseeaglobalpreachingworkbeingaccomplished,whichJesussaidwouldtakeplacejustbeforetheendofthissystem. Jesus stated: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah's due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah's satisfaction. Then the end will come.-Compare Matthew 10:23.

    18 Sixth,thenumberofgenuineanointeddisciplesofChristisdwindling,thoughsomewillevidentlystillbeonearthwhenthegreattribulationbegins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller. Yet, referring to the great tribulation, Jesus stated: "Unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short." (Matthew 24:21, 22) Evidently, then, some of Christ's "chosen ones" will still be on earth when the great tribulation begins.

    Interestingly the " Special Talk " of the year before last made no mention of that convincing line of evidence at all!!


    Note to the speaker:
    Exhort the audience "on the basis of love," particularly when considering the last section directed toward
    inactive ones (Phm 9; be 266 pars. 1-3)


    Recently, we commemorated the death of Jesus, thereby honoring him and Jehovah God

    We were reminded of their overwhelming love for us even in our present sinful state (Ro 5:8; 1Jo 4:9)

    Each passing year that we proclaim the death of the Lord by means of observing the Memorial brings us closer

    to the end of this system of things (1Co 11:26)

    Jesus' gripping prophecy found at Mark 13:1-4 has long been a subject of great interest and speculation [Read]

    Jesus gave his disciples a composite sign identifying the last days of Satan's wicked system of things [Read

    Mark 13:8]

    This prophecy has a two-fold fulfillment-in the first century and in our day

    Is Mark 13:8 being fulfilled? What do the facts show? Are we really in the last days? Is it later than you think?


    Let us examine five specific features identified by Jesus

    (1) "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom" (w08 5/15 13-14 par. 7)

    Since 1914 more than 100 million lives have been lost in wars!

    (2) "There will be earthquakes in one place after another" (w11 5/1 4)

    (3) "There will be food shortages" (w11 5/1 5)

    (4) "Therewill be . . . in one place afteranother pestilences" (Lu 21:11; w11 5/1 6)

    (5) There is "the increasing of lawlessness" (Mt 24:12)

    Lawlessness is a blatant disregard for God's laws and principles; increasingly, many consider such sins as

    adultery and homosexuality to be acceptable (Isa 5:20; w02 3/1 9 par. 8)

    We have touched on just five features of the composite sign

    What do you think? Are we really living in the last days?

    Never before have these features been as prominent as they are now

    The facts prove that it is much later than most people think!


    We do not know how long Jehovah will offer reconciliation (2Co 5:18-20; w98 12/15 17-18 pars. 9-11)

    We do know that destruction of the wicked is soon to come [Read 2 Peter 3:11, 12]

    We do well to ask ourselves, 'Do I demonstrate that I really believe that "the time left is reduced"?'

    (1Co 7:29-31)

    Jehovah invites people from all walks of life to take in life-giving knowledge from the Bible (Re 22:17)

    Taking in such knowledge and acting in harmony with it can lead to everlasting life in Paradise on earth

    Does that prospect appeal to you?

    It is urgent that you act without delay

    Jehovah'sWitnesses would be pleased to assist you in learning how you can bring your life into

    harmony with God's will

    Jehovah also wants his inactive sheep to come back into his loving everlasting arms (De 33:27; La 3:40)

    If you were once an active servant of Jehovah, please take to heart the words of 1 Peter 2:25 [Read] (jr 130

    par. 5)

    That you have made the effort to be here is evidence that you have not forgotten your Shepherd and his

    commandments [Read Psalm 119:176]

    There are a number of reasons why individuals become inactive (w08 11/15 13-15 pars. 5-13)

    Whatever your reason, we entreat you to accept the necessary assistance so that you can again actively

    serve our loving Shepherd (jr 72-76 pars. 13-16; 152-153 pars. 22-25)

    Allow God'sWord and our Christian publications to help you gain spiritual strength (Ps 119:105)

    You will receive the support of Jehovah's loving congregation (1Pe 5:2; w08 11/15 16 pars. 19-22)

    In the past, prophets provided needed reminders to God's people andwarned them of God's coming judgments

    (Am 3:7)

    Today, Jehovah uses his anointed servants to remind even the righteous that it is later than most think

    (Eze 3:21)

    These servants have proved to be immovable, like iron pillars in a fortified city (Jer 1:17-19)

    (page 2)

    The anointed have their 'hips girded up'; they allow God'sWord to strengthen them to fulfill their commission

    Make it your aim to show similar zeal and to support them

    It is vital that we "pay more than the usual attention to the things heard by us" (Heb 2:1; Lu 21:34-36)

    Those who ignoredwarnings of impending destruction in the past soon realized that it was later than they


    Today, an even more urgent warning is being sounded, with overwhelming evidence that Armageddon is near

    Millions turn a deaf ear, but time is running out

    It is later than they think! Is it later than you realize?

    Think deeply about your heavenly Father; how late do you suppose he would say it is?

    We entreat you to find safety in the warm embrace of Jehovah, the Great Shepherd! (Isa 40:11)

    (Adhere closely to the outlined material, and observe the indicated timing of each section. Not all cited texts

    need to be read or commented on. See Ministry School, pp. 52-54, 116-119)

    No. 181-E-page 2 TO BE COVERED IN 30 MINUTES

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    "And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold..." (John 10:16)

    There are 2 different flocks of sheep: the little flock and the 'other sheep'.

    They all enjoy many of the same benefits from Jesus' sacrifice, but not identically so, because they have different destinies.

  • Watkins

    The 'little flock' were the Jews and 'the other sheep' were the Gentiles. Jesus said he would draw them together into 'one flock with one shepherd' and all his sheep would know his voice. Paul said there was 'one hope, one baptism, one Lord'.

    Where, watcher, are you getting 2 different destinies?

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