Why should God answer a prayer to get a job while atrocities happen everyday?

by BU2B 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    I had a conversation yesterday with my wife, who seems to think every good thing that happens to her just has to be Jehovah, and every bad thing, she just KNOWS is Satan. This irritates me to no end. I told her yesterday that I have trouble praying to have relatively petty thing resolved in my life, meanwhile around the world, many people are raped mutilated, tortured, and killed everyday. Many of those people no doubt pray for it to stop but it does not. Why should God help me get a job, and meanwhile let others, including witnesses be mistreated in the worst ways. I said that when I do pray, it is about others not myself. She said by those standards why pray at all? Of course when bad things happen it is only "time and unforseen occurence". I said I am not trying to argue, Im just expressing myself. I dont even WANT GOd to help me get a Job, I would rather he help people who need it more! She always says I just KNOW God wouldnt let this that or the third happen to ME! And im thinking, where is the concern for all those that do go through suffering on an epic scale.

    The indoctrinated mind is so amazing, like watching a train wreck kind of amazing. Any good must come from God, and all bad from satan... Why then do evil people get good jobs, are sucsessful etc? Why are christians tortured and killed all the time? Did God abandon them? DId God bless them too? I hate how anything that happens in life is attributed to supernatural sources. But hey whatever gets you through life huh?

  • Tater-T

    this meme sums it up....

  • Mum

    Having someone or something to blame works for a lot of people. It's also a way to avoid personal responsibility and taking action to improve on your own. If we don't blame the devil for our sorrows, then we would have to blame our spouses, children, friends, etc. I'll let them have their devil if they'll leave me out of it.

  • BU2B

    Mum do you really live in Tunisia?

  • Tiktaalik

    Mega-rich sports stars thanking god for their latest victory makes me want to hurl.

    Seems to me that god is the worst multi-tasker ever. He's far too busy making sure his favourite sports stars / teams are doing well instead of, say, curing childhood leukaemia.


  • jgnat
  • poppers

    "Mega-rich sports stars thanking god for their latest victory makes me want to hurl."

    Me too.

  • hoser

    Yea the old poor me mentality. Plays like a broken record at the local kingdom hall.

    Satan sure makes it hard to live in this system.

    Car won't start must be Satan

    Flat tire you guessed it

    knees and back shot from a lifetime of manual, menial labour we sure need the new system

  • outofthelionsden

    I have always had a problem with that!

    growing up my mom would attribute any little material thing to Jehovah's blessing them. they bought a new car "oh thank you jehovah" got a treadmill " oh its Jehovah's blessing us"

    Im so over that! what about all the kids dying of cancer are they not worthy of living?are there prayers not heard?

    I remember one sunday morning our meeting was a t 9:30 am an an elder and his 4 children and wife where t-boned by a truck on there way to the meeting. the wife and kids where in intensive care for weeks..weren't they doing what they where suppose to do? some sisters in the hall were saying it was satan doing this....so happy im free of this!!

  • Mum

    BU2B, I've sent you a PM.

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