Lurkers - Not even a 5 min visit from Elder or Sister

by *lost* 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • whathappened

    It is all about the numbers. The elders called a couple of times for my time and when I said I had none it was met with a few moments of silence. They made 2 brief telephone calls and said they heard I wasn't coming back and asked if it was something they did. I told them no. The calls were less than a minute each.

    Yes, they really care. At least they aren't trying to df me!!!

  • Crazyguy

    Lost it been about the same time for me, I started just missing midweek meetings but also grew some chin hair small clean cut goatee just to see the reaction from the friends. The lack of really love has become so obvious, and yes no one has said or done a thing except one elder. Its all pretty obvious that they live in a mind bubble and if any one acts differently they repel out of fear for themselves and their mind think. For what would they do if they were wrong or what they are taught is wrong, I think their all just scared.

  • flipper

    LOST- It may be hard at first to see that these people really didn't care for us in a real, authentic way without conditions- but in time you'll be glad the elders haven't bothered you- believe me. They left me alone the first few years after I stopped attending - then someone from my family reported some false info on me to the elders and they came sniffing me out like dogs. Consider yourself lucky you aren't dealing with that. There are different perspectives depending on what we've experienced. They've left me alone for over 5 years now- and it's a relief ! Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • *lost*

    I'm not personally upset about it, and I am not bothered too much, I am blissfully happy as I am free, mind body and soul from the cult.

    the point I was making was to reinforce the true behaviour of these so called 'slaves of God' who are supposed to be Christian,

    and our shepherds and our 'family'. By their very works they prove their true worth.

    I was never a 'full on jw' I was a dedicated believer though, still am (that could change, who knows, life is a journey, but I doubt it)

    I was there for the Bible study, the 'faith' not the people or the org.

    there were always feelings of 'things' not being 'right' many times over the years, now I know why.

    I am thankful I have learned the 'TTATT'.

    I just want the lurkers here, to spend time reading and digesting the information people are sharing here,

    and to start getting their answers, so that they can weaken the bonds of control.

    Do not believe the rubbish about 'apostates', some of us have left the man made religion, as it is not delivering, it needs to be carefully examined.

    It does not mean you are losing anything, but you will gain everything.

    Would you stay on a sinking ship ?

    Will you follow that man made organisation wherever they go, whatever they do ?

    Or will your fear of God move you to act.

  • zeb

    had a cbaby that was dying. Elder cant visit to hospital as he has a convention part to work on.

  • HarryMac

    I remember feeling this way a few months in and talking to my wife about it. ie: 'It's like they're acting like I never went to a meeting'. She smiled and said 'It's everybody's complaint'.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I visited a elder who had not received a visit from anyone from his Kingdom Hall after serving for thirty years. Not one person came and checked up on this brother who gave his life to the Organization.

    He cried and said "Nobody has checked up on me for Five Years and I thought he must be telling a fib." I did my homework and he told the truth, the brothers thought he was proud and might be apostate material even though he was only having issues at the time with drink.

    Dear Newbies and Lurkers, I know for a fact there are many of you who will be overlooked and most of you were not as huge of a player as the brother I spoke about above. He was giving all his time and money to support the WTS and he did not receive and encouragement

    No Shephreds were out looking for this lost sheep, so if you decided to fade you will not be missed by these users. I know they will not call up on anyone because I was part of the useless Shepherds who only looked out for their friends, the weak and talkers were left to die off. There were elders and sisters who could care less if you ever show up again.

    This Organization has nothing to do with love, it's about making a Publishing Company make money and destroy your relationship with Jesus Christ. Just fade and see how long it takes for Goofus and Goober elders to come by and check up on you! It's been years since I made my move and now they do not bother calling on me because I will not go back and be their slave. Three years and counting since I have been checked up on by these fake elders and fake Christians, or Anti-Christs! It's my fault because I do not want their encouragement but they are more than too happy to put in the least amount of effort to check up on the sheep.

    This religion is the biggest joke, they over-promise and under-deliver!

  • HarryMac

    So, yeah... good news! Fading... it's easier than you might think!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Also consider that they are constantly kept busy by the org so although they might think from time to time, 'I wonder how xyz is?' They'll never have time to carry it further because they're so busy with meetings, pre study for meetings, witnessing, and of course everything else such as working and looking after kids etc. Even the ones who do care are just kept too damn busy on the Jw treadmill.

  • *lost*


    Yep. the pressures of life. I really do feel for the 'slaves' cos that is what they are, slaves to the sytem that is WT.

    Everyone is trying to just deal with the pressures of life and survive, live life, take care of family and pay their bills.

    Life is hard enough as it is, then to have to commit hours and hours and MONEY to the WT on top.

    How are they coping with it all ? I can see many 'break-downs' on the horizon.

    My hope is that lurkers will start to 'see' the truth.

    And come to the realisation 'apostates' is a rotten word, and another control word to keep them isolated from

    people and community, making them easier to control and mould to their will.

    we are not apostates, we are truth seekers, we are following the truth, we are no longer following after 'man'.

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