JW's and other churches all set up housekeeping in different theological areas. Why? Some one person can't believe any more what their church is saying, gets a different "take" on God, and......starts trying to convince others to follow them and everything they teach.
Nothing new about that. But why are so many of us blind to this scenario: We allow that SOME people get to contemplate other thoughts and others are not allowed.Only some lead and everyone else must follow or be thrown out
We seem so tied to the idea of relating to life through another's experience or another's prejudice that we don't allow for the Father to be our father, for Jesus to teach each of us. Of course, this would even call into question the authority of the letters and the revelations of the apostles
The obvious hitch to this would seem to be this: Why would we even allow Jesus be our teacher? Well, oddly, stripping away as best I can other's commentary in the scriptures and reading "heretical" writings of other accounts of this remarkable Jew/shaman?/holy man/son of man/son of god/savior, I find he merely gave us back to the "only Good one--God" Luke 18:19
It would be the end of "theology" as I know it. But would it bring chaos? I think not if god is love and not the trash that others have taught us.
What do you think--Check it out at Matt. 23:8-10.
This throws the door open