JW discourage higher education through conventions magazine etc. In kindom Ministry 2011 July they considered higher education as date, and use alcohol or drugs. However if you look at the front page of t he brochure "Jehovah's Witnesses—Who Are They ? What Do They Believe?" you can see a doctor. What GB try tell through that picture (doctor) . That is there are some doctors among JW. Isn't it? If higher education and being a doctor is wrong, why they have picture of a doctor. That's shows there double standing on higher education.
Double standing on higher education
by KSFernando 14 Replies latest watchtower medical
The branches put certain Bethelites through higher education and exams whenever there's a need, but won't let individuals make that decision for themselves.
Yes, double standards.
Didn't Albert Schroeder of the governing body's send his son Judah Ben Schroeder to College to become a lawyer? I wonder if that was paid for by donations to the worldwide work.
Band on the Run
My parents knew Schroeder. I recall a long discussion on this before-- a while ago now.
Someone researched where Shroeder's son is now (was) and whether he was still an active JW. I can't recall the details.
Yes, the double standard is real and sickening. And different parts of the country are more strict about it than others.
As mentoned above, Bethel also chooses to send some through additional training, or makes calls at certain times for certain skill sets that could only have been acquired through some form of higher learning. They're exploitative SOBs. Yet at the same time, they kick people out on their asses for going to college because it shows independent thinking. Like an abusive spouse - on any given day you don't know what's going to set them off.
Now that is one subject that makes me mad. Life would have been better if my parents believed in a higher education.
I do not care about the doubles standards, because parents should teach the importance of college. Every generation knows that a higher education means a better life.
It was not up to the WTBTS to guide children, the blame goes to parents. Really it is child neglect.
Did anyone see the t.v. special so that every child does not get left behind.
I feel that Jehovahs Witnesses children are left behind and are neglected because they are not given a hope for college. At least not my generation.
firstly no JW dont stop u from higher education haha thats funny God couldnt stop Adam from eating the fruit because all humans have free will......so its your decision whether u want to get or go for higher education or not and yes there are many people that are Dr's etc proving that what u say about JW and higher education is your flaw!!! infact wasnt Luke the bible writer a Physician? Why was he chosen to accompany Jesus? Also the donations that are made are def not used for personal things if it was they (JW GB) would be bankrupt like most orgs thats falling apart.....they actually give free bibles ........come now which other church will give u a free bible.? if they were using the money for themselves they would charge at least what it takes to make those bks but they dont - that should speak volumes!!!
new hope and happiness
well the W.T gave me a great education from the University of life. I failed.
Growing up I was a the child prodigy of the family. My folks got a piano when I was 7 and by the time I was a senior in high school I got school release time to spend part of my day at the university to work with one of the music professors.
Music was encouraged. Practice was encouraged. "You could play Kingdom Melodies at Bethel someday."
Then the scholarship offers began coming in. Brigham Young. Phil Mattson School of Music. It was about that time the other shoe fell and I was told that it would be selfish to pursue personal interests over service to God. Higher education would only lead me away from Jehovah.
I pioneered.
Julia Orwell
Lots of churches give free bibles such as the Gideons for instance. Yes, jws are free to go to university if their parents will allow it, but really the wt magazines and talks are very anti post-compulsory education. Vocational education such as business admin or hairdressing is given as an example of acceptable, but a university degree is really frowned upon. I know. I went and did a degree because my non Jw mum always expected it of me. Now, approaching middle age, I'm damn glad I've got it.
Jws put strong pressure on the kids to finish school as soon as they've done their compulsory years (10 in Australia, but most are allowed to go to 12) and pioneer. There are even skits on the assemblies on how to talk to the school guidance officer/counselor when she encourages kids to go to uni, and what the Jw kids can say to tell her they aren't going, and want to pioneer instead.
I was often viewed with suspicion because I went to uni, and when I got my degree and took a job in a remote large town, I was viewed as worldly, almost evil, and a lot felt threatened by me. Their aspirations for their kids were...finish school, get a job in some shop and go witnessing. They viewed university as some sort of coven for satan worshippers, and it's a common view.
So yeah, Jws really are free to choose to get educated.