I remember the early 90's there was a WT on it being ok to get some higher education... this was a turnaround from everything I'd been told when I was in school. I was told to just get a higher education 'out of my head'. They tightened up on that again soon after as I recall. Maybe a bit of an experiment.. we need professionals for bethel, etc... nope, people get to a university campus and tell us to piss off. Yeah, flip flop.
Double standing on higher education
by KSFernando 14 Replies latest watchtower medical
Higher Education is considered " highly questionable." It is not forbidden. It's just that a person's " spiritual maturity " will be called into question if they send their child to college. You may not be used in appointed positions. Who cares, right.
Bungi Bill
Julia Orwell
- Good one!
Yes, when it comes to the matter of higher education, JWs have freedom all-right:
- the freedom to do as they are told!
(Which, in the broader sense, is the JW attitude to Christain Freedom as well).
I would have gone to university at the end of Grade 12, only the elders had some pull over my father, and stopped it
i.e. while some would like to argue that "it was my father's choice", had that elder not interfered in the process, I know what my father's choice would have been!
PS: Incidentally, I have never known the WTS to give bibles away, as some here have claimed.
the front page of the brochure "Jehovah's Witnesses—Who Are They? What Do They Believe?" you can see a doctor. What GB try tell through that picture (doctor) . That is there are some doctors among JW. Isn't it? If higher education and being a doctor is wrong, why they have picture of a doctor. That's shows there double standing on higher education.
Well the obvious answer is that the brochure is an advertisement about who JW are, it wants to give an appearence of normalicy, prosperity, and give an all around good feeling about the people who belong to the corporation.
It would not be fitting to put on the front page the real truth about JWs as this would scare away those not indoctrinated enough to swallow the information controls that the Corporation has in place in other words they: "eliminate the negative, accentuate the positive and don't mess with mister inbetween"
An elder can lose his position if a family member goes to college.
In my home congregation,there was a family who was pro-college. And they were looked down upon and even marked as bad association to some.
I mentioned to my friend about elders being possibly removed if they send their kids to college. She didn't believe me,because she plans on sending a relative's son to college. I asked my brother,who is an elder,about this,and he confirmed it was true. Then,he wondered how I knew this,lol.
Growing up as a Witness,I was conditioned to know I just wasn't going to college. If I did,I would be viewed as spiritually weak and pretty much worldly..