Why is God speaking in riddles?

by sosoconfused 82 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Seraphim23

    More than time was needed, for the reason he spoke such was said thus:

    “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.”

  • sosoconfused

    That was no doubt because they did not think about it, it was a passing fancy.

    There was 0 need for anyone at jesus feet to have to spend hours trying to figure out those simple parables in the scriptures. Everyone of them is easily understood by a person who reads them from the scriptures today. Anyone who wanted to understrand them could do so by a simply thinking about what Jesus was saying.

    There was no need to cross reference anything Jesus spoke with 15 different scrolls, and then apply mysterious dates and hidden meanings to any of it. Which I am sure you are well aware of

  • humbled

    I love Jesus' parables. No body messed with them, it seems--that is, to change them. And he made them so easy to remember. And they were never made into math problems for an elite few to solve for all the dumb bunnies.

  • Heaven

    "If your God is so inept at communication that he has to appoint people to explain to other people just what he wants from them ...

    Your Religion Might Be Bullshit." - Country Boy Redneck Ronny

  • Tater-T

    nice Heaven.....

    and God has all these Angels ...which translates to messengers... so angels = messengers... Ok OK !! so why aren't THEY relaying any messeges.......

    are they BUSY!!!! I've said this on more than one post, no one has ever answered ..

    Why not use the messengers to deliver your messeges... Dear GOD!!!! .....WTF

  • punkofnice

    The Bible is a good read as literature, history and fantasy. Above that I do not see any evidence for god or even any evidence Jesus existed outside of the Bible.

    These riddles are just what the GB love..........they can apply the riddles to themselves and rake in the cash, power and little boys.

  • Xanthippe
    Didn't someone say be good to your neighbors / widows and fatherless boys - that was like the simplest formula.

    Exactly, then they twist even that around to look after widows and fatherless boys (or girls in our case) unless they no longer believe in your religion. Then you can ignore their existence.

    Many reigions start out preaching that we should be good to people even if they are not particularly good to us or if they can't repay us. About 500BC Buddha, Confucius and Socrates were saying very similar things. Try googling The Golden Rule. A startling idea to people who previously only looked after their own family or tribe. Also, interestingly, a long time before Jesus said it.

  • sosoconfused

    @punk LOL "little boys"

    @Xan - Its funny the more I look outside the Middle East they seem to also have very rich cultures and religious beliefs with similar sentiments as those taught in the bible. Sometimes they are even more well-rounded.

    Which also connects to the thought that I have always had as to why god would only care about peopel in this small area for thousands of years and not give a crap about the 6 other continents with people on them? It woud seem if they all got off the ark and went seperate ways their thoughts on god would have some levels of similarity ya know

  • Seraphim23

    I think he spoke in parables so that only the interested who got some truth out of it would come back to Jesus to get the fuller picture.

  • punkofnice

    To me the big problem isn't what the Bible says, riddles or not, but is it actually a book from god in the first place? Then take it from there.

    My money is on 'NO!'

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