Why is God speaking in riddles?
by sosoconfused 82 Replies latest watchtower bible
On the other hand, if we see a large number of people claiming to be Christian who refuse to obey Jesus Christ commandment above then the very real possibility exists that IT IS THESE PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE MARK OF THE BEAST!
So once this conclusion is reached then what direction should an 8 year old take to pursue this easily obtained and yet profound conclusion further?
Considering that:
The wild beast is said to have a name.
That name can be calculated as also representing a mans number.
People give worship or venerate the wild beast.
We also now understand why it is people who BELIEVE the false prophets who claim to speak for Jesus Christ that are the targeted candidates indicated in the Book of Revelation to be misled into receiving the mark of the beast.
What historical evidence does the 8 year old have so far that might indicated where a name is involved amoungst these people who choose to disobey Jesus Christs very straight forward commandment in the Gospels?
Do you think an 8 year old might even grasp what might be the next step in solving something the bible says would require wisdom?
8 year old still understands the gospel... I dont think the god that Jesus spoke about would kill her. so apparently the riddles are there just for fun.
8 year old still understands the gospel... I dont think the god that Jesus spoke about would kill her. so apparently the riddles are there just for fun.
Yes, but the 8 year old has very easily obtained a profound conclusion about 7 Million People on the planet that also includes many other 8 year olds, and can now clearly see that their parents are balatantly disobeying what Jesus Christ said in the Gospels with an enormous amount of peril involved!
The 8 year has easily seen through what people claim to be riddles and in so doing identified 7 Million very likely candidates for the mark of the wild beast!
Should the 8 year old care?
So what next?
Well how about this:
w59 5/1 p. 269 Attain Completeness in the New World Society
To hold to the headship of Christ, it is therefore necessary to obey the organization that he is personally directing. Doing what the organization says is to do what he says.
They have already given a clue as to who it is that claims to speak on the basis of Jesus Christs name!
................................. The organization!
So what is the NAME fo the organization?
and hey, hold on, doesn't "an organization" imply that a number of men are involved ....... a man's number!
Is that rationale beyond something that an 8 year old could grasp?
So what next?
are you talking about the bible or the watchtower babble???
I'm talking about both.
To recap what an 8 year old should be able to understand so far about so called riddles in the bible:
-: The mark of beast is obtained by people who are misled by the false prophet.
-: The Gospels show that the false prophet would come in Jesus Christs name. aka Christian
-: This means that only Christians could possibly receive the mark of the beast.
-: this eliminates atheists and any non-Christian Religion from being potential candidates, exposing the very popular age old and also contemporary Christian opinions about the mark of the beast, as completely absurd.
-: Jehovah's Witnesses blatantly disobey Jesus Christs commandments in the Gospels about following or believing the false prophets.
-: This makes Jehovah's Witnesses primary candidates for the mark of the wild beast.
-: Jehovah's Witnesses have published that it is "THE Organization" who speaks on the basis of Jesus Christs name.
-: An organization infers that a specific numer of men are involved --------- a man's number.
So what next?
I think that even an 8 year old would recommend that the NAME of THE organization be determined and then do some research to discover how that organization is organized!
What is at stake?
The lives of 7+ Million People!
I'm talking about both.
To recap what an 8 year old should be able to understand so far about so called riddles in the bible:
-: The mark of beast is obtained by people who are misled by the false prophet.
-: The Gospels show that the false prophet would come in Jesus Christs name. aka Christian
-: This means that only Christians could possibly receive the mark of the beast.
-: this eliminates atheists and any non-Christian Religion from being potential candidates, exposing the very popular age old and also contemporary Christian opinions about the mark of the beast, as completely absurd.
-: Jehovah's Witnesses blatantly disobey Jesus Christs commandments in the Gospels about following or believing the false prophets.
-: This makes Jehovah's Witnesses primary candidates for the mark of the wild beast.
-: Jehovah's Witnesses have published that it is "THE Organization" who speaks on the basis of Jesus Christs name.
-: An organization infers that a specific numer of men are involved --------- a man's number.
So what next?
I think that even an 8 year old would recommend that the NAME of THE organization be determined and then do some research to discover how that organization is organized!
What is at stake?
The lives of 7+ Million People!
God's Spirit Directed Organization
Doesn't really seem like much of a name until its use in the re-invented Jehovah's Witness baptismal vows is contemplated along with the other names it attempts to associate itself with.
Consider Jesus Christs commandment:
Matthew 28:19-20
Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of God's Spirit Directed Organization and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things."
I decided to put the name God's Spirit Directed Organization before "the son" because after all, if the Governing Body is audacious enough to re-invent Jesus Chrits baptismal commandment in the above then they must think they are better than him!
Hey, that reminds me of another scripture:
2 Thessalonians 2:4
opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called "god" or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.
So yes, God's Spirit Directed Organization is a name!
After all, it claims to speak on the basis of Jesus Christs name!
However, what exactly is God's Spirit Directed Organization and how is that organization organized?
Does anyone know?