For those that don't think the Bible is the word of God, how do you disprove the prophecies recorded in the Bible? Even for those that agree with the world of God, what makes you believe the prophecies are true? Looking to hear both sides of it.
Bible Prophecies
by Suspicious 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Cold Steel
I believe the more one knows about prophecy, the more plausible Christianity becomes. Amos writes that surely the Lord God doeth nothing save he will reveal his secrets unto his servents the prophets. (Amos 3:7) The scriptures point the way, clearly, towards the life and mission of Jesus Christ, his identity and mission (Isa. 53). Also the dispersion and restoration of Israel as a nation, the root of Jesse, the ensign to the Gentiles and the swiftness in their gathering (Isa. 11). They talk about the rebuilding of the temple, the two prophets to be raised up to defend them (Rev. 11), the destroyer from the North (Ezek. 38-39), the Lord's hand in strengthening the Jews (also, Zech. 12-14) and the destruction of the Beast, the salvation of the Jews, as well as the aftermath of the war itself that culminates in the battle of Armageddon.
Understanding prophecy is fairly simple, although the JW Society typically takes a straightforward prophecy and turns it into something so convoluted that God, Himself, wouldn't recognize it. Prophecy also clearly states that Jesus Christ is Jehovah, or Yahweh. Jehovah will judge the nations, Jehovah was the creator, Jehovah is the beginning and the end...and so on. In the New Testament, all these are attributed to Jesus.
Not only do they screw the pooch on that one, they have absolutely no clue as to what Armageddon is. I have an entire Watchtower about Armageddon here, and the writers are so confused they don't know what its significance is.
new hope and happiness
suspicious i dont try to disprove anybodys beliefe in prophecy. if someone wants to believe a prophecy thats there business. However they wish to interpret it. As for me if i belived in God i would concentrate on God is love and he created me and we are all his beloved children, and lets give unconditional love a chance .
Please give examples of Bible Prophecies that stand scrutiny.
new hope and happiness
I made up my own prophecy and it works for me.
God created the light out of the darkness" and so i say who created the darkness. Well the darkness is anything we created in our minds that only exist in our minds. Now this includes money, organisations and anythinking that exists that only exists in our minds.
I am happy living with my thoughts and the thoughts i have are my personal universe and they exist in my mind be it light or darkness.So is that a prophecy? for me it is and its all i need.
It depends on the date of what is written...many people think Isaiah and Jeremiah got many prophecies correct but what if they were not written till after the events that they speak about?
No-one can prove or disprove that as the only original scrolls/texts only go back 2,000 years or so and not back further to prove that bible writers wrote about events in advance...
lovely post, I enjoy reading a lot of your comments
Well I'm not sure I agree with not being able to prove an event. I mean the book of Genesis was written by Moses. He was alive far before Paul was. At least from what I know. Also the prophecy of how king Cyrus would over throw Babylon 200 years before it happened.
Agree with notsure, how do we know that this stuff was written in advance? We don't!
Failed Bible prophecy =
Joshua said that God would, without fail, drive out the Jebusites and Canaanites, among others (Josh. 3:9-10). But those tribes were not driven out (Josh. 15:63, 17:12-13).
Ezekiel said Egypt would be made an uninhabited wasteland for forty years (29:10-14), and Nebuchadnezzar would plunder it (29:19-20). Neither happened.