Last night. I have two friends who I've talked to about this. Both fleshly brothers actually. One I think can half see where I am, the other is a newly appointed elder so is 'filled with the spirit' (or is on a high and is in a very positive place).
What I've started to do is cut and paste various WT quotes into a blank Powerpoint. That way one of these brothers allowed me to share it with him as a) it wasn't a bad apostate website, and b) it was all from the WT.
I'd just done a PPT on 1925. Something I'd always dismissed as not important but was actually as important as 1914 and 1975. He was shaking his head with it all and saying "What?". So it works well.
He's been Googlechatting with me all day, very much trying to find defensive positions for the GB. I just keep hammering the point, like the Moses one above, that there is nothing comparable in the huge history of the Bible.
Do you see what I mean by no mans land. I can see the crap but I can see pluses too.