My JW Experiences and Living in No Mans Land

by wizzstick 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • wizzstick


    Last night. I have two friends who I've talked to about this. Both fleshly brothers actually. One I think can half see where I am, the other is a newly appointed elder so is 'filled with the spirit' (or is on a high and is in a very positive place).

    What I've started to do is cut and paste various WT quotes into a blank Powerpoint. That way one of these brothers allowed me to share it with him as a) it wasn't a bad apostate website, and b) it was all from the WT.

    I'd just done a PPT on 1925. Something I'd always dismissed as not important but was actually as important as 1914 and 1975. He was shaking his head with it all and saying "What?". So it works well.

    He's been Googlechatting with me all day, very much trying to find defensive positions for the GB. I just keep hammering the point, like the Moses one above, that there is nothing comparable in the huge history of the Bible.

    Do you see what I mean by no mans land. I can see the crap but I can see pluses too.

  • jgnat

    Living in uncertainty is not the worst place to be. The WTS attempts to remove all uncertainty but of course, the more they try and bolster the indefensible, the less credible they become.

  • suavojr

    Well we can see the positive side to many other religions but it is by their fruits that we know who they are and what is the leadership's obejective.

    I have felt the same way you feel and sometimes I rather go back to sleep, BUT I CAN'T! Once your mind has awaken you will never be able to simply not notice the lies and deception. Grace A.K.A mouthy told me how Ray Franz felt after holding all of the JW beleifs, " That if we really did believe in God... as a JW, when we knew the truth about the organization,we would remember Duet 18:22-23" Read this verse.

    Now try to answer these questions as you research:

    How will paradise be if the WT is in full control?

    Can you picture Rutherford, Knorr and Fredd Franz as inmortal spirits ruling over the earth?

    If you find out that someone you trust has said half thruths and uses deception when talking to you, would you trust that person? Would you consider that person and intimate friend? A refuge?

    Do you see love from the heart among JW's? TRUE LOVE?????

    When you commit a sin, What is the reaction from other members? Do they try to help you or simply go to the elders and report you? Is this reaction Christain?

    Some food for thought. The more you research the clearer the picture.

  • sosoconfused

    @wizz just 7 months ago I was also in your shoes... I won't act as if I know what will happen next for you but one thing I can say is that as the weeks go by... the many layers of the Watchtower onion begin to peel and you will see the rotten stinking core. Like you I am a 3rd gen. former bethelite / pioneer / elder(just 6 months ago). My entire family all hold "special priveledges" (elders , pios, missionaries, bethelite) and giving up on that "spiritual heritage was painful in that first month of my decision.

    However the more you actual look at what the WBTS has done to outright lie to you - it becomes apparent they are not being used by God in any possible way. As a witness we always heard the expression a "perfect organization run by imperfect men" as the excuse for new light or changes etc...

    However after about 15 minutes of clear logical thought you realize that is just a copout for the ones at the top to continue to misguide and mislead people. Do yourself a favor and literally take 2 months to do some research on your own without the pressure of family who will continue to call to your mind what you already know. Start with each and every single factor that makes JW's appeal to you and research it thoroughly and without prejudice and you will see that you will be at peace with your decision. Whatever that may be

  • clarity

    Sweetheart ... you are still swallowing the food that the gb 'cooks' up!

    Change your diet.


    When the TTATT (the truth about the truth) finally clicks, in your

    brain will not be in "no mans land"... ever again!

    Love how you write, keep it up.....& keep digging!



  • Vidiot
    jgnat - "The more you try and bolster the indefensible, the less credible you become." (paraphrased)

    This is an extremely sig-worthy statement.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Learn critical thinking skills, learn about logical fallacies and develop a healthy finely tuned bullshit meter.

    I gave the bible the benefit of the doubt for a while but under scrutiny it didnt hold up. Do not stop learning.

  • skeeter1

    I talked with a pychologist who specializes in high control religions. He said that it's normal experience to feel like a "stranger in a strange land" when you start to come out. And, if you were born in that feeling may last for a very long time, if not your whole life, becuase you have no belief "base" to revert to.

    An ex-JW friend of mine moved out of the country. We were talking about what this pychologist told me. He commented that being in a foreign country was helpful to him. He was used to the feeling of not fitting in; and being in a non-native speaking country gave him another reason why he didn't understand/fully accept the customs/language/dress/ways.


  • LisaRose

    I think most of us have been in no man's land at some point, it's not a great feeling. I knew that I could no longer be a part of this religion, but if that wasnt "the truth", then what was? Eventually I realized I didn't need to have all the answers, I don't think anyone does. Some leave the dubs and go wholesale into another religion, or atheism, but I could not just switch gears like that. I was wrong before, so I can't imagine thinking I have all the answers now. Some here will argue for Athism with the same zeal (and lack of tolerance) they used to preach the JW religion, I could never do that. After 13 years I am now attending a church where I feel comfortable, and that doesn't have any set doctrine. It's more to be in a faith based community and to do charitable works than because I have any strong belief system, and they are OK with that. Your spiritual path is yours to walk, the answers will come, maybe not the way you thought, but maybe in the way you need.

    Take care

    Lisa Rose

  • dozy

    Thanks for sharing....

    I tried for a while to rationalise living in "the truth" while knowing that it wasn't. I've got a relative who is an elder who pretty much has done this for 20 years. It keeps his marriage & life going , his adult children on board & he feels he can help people in the congregation. He just has a few route calls & kind of stays below the radar.

    As far as the ministry is concerned , when the blinkers go off , you realise that it is just a glorified Amway pyramid style business - with the further disadvantage that you aren't getting paid ( the "reward" is eternal life in the future ). All you are doing is distributing literature that you have paid for & trying ( usually very unsuccessfully ) to recruit new distributers. Lets be honest - if the WTBTS were serious about preaching the good news of the Kingdom they would be a lot more vocal about it - using all the new media.

    Maybe the society do have it right on neutrality , but other religions take a stand on this as well. I'm pretty ambivalent about JW & bible doctrines nowadays , but I thought JWs had it right on the trinity until I was asked by a sister to go on a call on a church minister & he pretty much destoyed me. Look up the quotes from the Trinity brochure where the WTBTS have quoted out of context.

    But hey - whatever works for you. We are all on a journey here. Take your time...

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