I made a comment about it looking like a Scientology shop, let see how they react haha.
jw.org store in Rouen, France
by breakfast of champions 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Every guy I saw was wearing a suit and tie. But one guy slipped in with a jacket but no tie. He must be the worldly target audience.
Rub a Dub
breakfast of champions
But one guy slipped in with a jacket but no tie. He must be the worldly target audience.
Noticed that too. Betcha he's a Bethelite dressed casual to look like a "worldly person." Surprised they didn't slap a fake beard from last summer's drama on him for more authenticity.
watch the video closely. It very cleverly attemps to hide the fact this is (my guess) a space of about 400 sq. ft. and probably shares a WC with several other shops. This is just a little more impressive than a folding table and chairs in a corner of the airport check in lobby.
They should add a little hot tub behind the partition for impulse baptisms.
WTF how low can they go?
Comments look filtered on YouTube. I saw nothing negative which seems a bit unrealistic for that many views in 1 day...hmm?
BTW-Kudos to all smart apostates who have been putting JW.org in their YouTube video titles and key words. It might really start paying off! One of our talented peeps who does videos should make a different "JW.org French Store" soon so that it comes up when JW's are searching for this LOL! Somebody could really have fun with this. It is not my specialty:(
Really interesting. I wonder whose idea this is. Any insiders here know?
On one hand, it's smart to modern things up a bit. On the other hand, France...really? How much interest are they going to get there.
And so misleading. Nice Apply-ey looking modern store with a woefully puritanical belief system and outdated culture. Somebody needs to get some handouts over there outlining what JW's teach that is allowed in the bedroom...blood issue, shunning.
I think it's good Public Relations. But, if this is a pilot, then I must ask: Rouen, France...? Really ...??
The WT must get more inventive, since they surely realize that the efficiency of door-to-door witnessing, at least in the Western world, is showing its limitations. Publishers are getting demotivated as the results of preaching door-to-door are decreasing sharply. This could add a cool spin.
Now, if only our MESSAGE and DOCTRINE was right ... and our POLICIES were really Christian .... :) That would take a quantum leap - more than a street shop.
Just before I left JW, I started asking my friends since the door to door work in our area was absolutely fruitless...why keeping doing it since it was not effective. I did not get two answers that were the same. Some of the answers were (aside from the biblical command):
- We do it for ourselves, to be together with our brothers and sister. (Me: well that's not what the society says...it's suppose to be a life saving work)
- It is a witness to others observing us in the field...they know we are JW's and therefore making Jehovah's name known
- We're JW's, it's what we do
- Just do what I do, show up for meeting for service, then say you have calls and go to a different city for breakfast; learn to play the game.
There was no real effort to "make disciples." It was nothing but a routine, even for pioneers.
I cannot fathom much interest at all in France at this store front. Still wonder who the brains are behind it. I can't imagine anybody in a cosmopolitan, metropolitan area ever buying into the crazy JW teaching.