Jehovah's blessings are tremendous !
This was for the Armada Festival in Rouen (Rouen is quite close to the Bethel in Louviers).
(here is a tourism website in the area which explains the event www.normandie-tourisme.
fr/articles/rouen-armada-major-event-2013-1482-2.html )
So, two week ago, we opened a "jw store" dedicated to Jehovah with computers with internet
connexion to the website, there is a place for Bible studies and an TV screen to watch
JW dvds.
In the back, there are magazines in all the languages spoken in Rouen and a printer to print
the tract "Truth" in any languages needed (thank you Internet )
This event was organised really quickly !
A month ago, we asked the prefecture for an autorisation and all the documents (normaly,
it takes months...), we had a positive answer in 15 days (!).
So 2 weeks ago, monday, this was a poor hairdressing salon and the same week, on Thrusday,
this was a brilliant JW store (thanks to all the bros and sis of the LBC who did some tremendous
work).More over, during the festival, there were stands, you know, the exact same type of the ones
of the Manhattan Project. There a quite tall and with a lot of magazines so the people are
not afraid to take magazines
Funny story, some people had not understood that it was free so they tried to steal some
magazines (welcome in France, hahaha !). The sisters called them and told them it would
be better for them to take magazine in french... not in chinese, hahaha !
This JW store will be open for 6 months, so if you go in France, in Rouen, you can go and
have a look."