Witnesses are coming to my door Sunday!

by jerome 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • trudy

    Dear Hooberus,

    Those WT quotes are helpful. Thanks.

    While working at the hospital, the other day, I came across
    the 'brother J.W. who used to conduct the ministerial
    meeting (the first meeting of J.W.s) and had a nice chat
    with him, then if occurred to me he may not have heard I
    had disassociated myself from the Jehovah's Witness religion.
    So I mentioned it and sure enough, he was not aware that I
    had done this. He moved his family to another location,
    but he visits a dear friend of mine quite frequently and so
    I assumed he had known about it. Never-the-less,
    I explained why I'd left.
    I told him while I was studying the scriptures, I noticed
    in the transfiguration of Christ, that Jehovah said,"This
    is my Son, the beloved, LISTEN TO HIM." This is a command from
    God! SO then I had to obey, therefore, I
    I went back into the scriptures and studied every
    word Jesus Christ spoke, and I could see he commanded
    all his disciples to partake of the bread and the wine
    which symbolized his flesh and his blood. Yes, this was
    a command, for in the book of John Christ said, "I am the
    bread of Life, unless you do this, you will not have life in you."
    And so I told him I had to obey Christ and partake.
    I know he wasn't just instructing his 12 disciples because
    one of the last things he commanded was for them to go,
    make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing in
    the name of God, the name of the Son and the name of the
    holy spirit, teaching them to observe ALL the things I
    COMMANDED YOU! Then he said he'd be with them until the
    conclusion of the system of things."
    I said,"At last I found the truth, and it is in Christ.
    For Christ said in John 14:6 "I am the way, the TRUTH and Life,"

    I then told him I could no longer teach people all of what
    the organization teaches so I had to leave.
    I also quoted what he said in Matt. 12:50,'"Anyone who does the
    will of my Father is the same as my brother, my sister, and my
    Are not all of us doing God's will? We are told by the Society we
    are, so why aren't we Christ's brothers, in light of this scripture?

    I could have brought up all the false prophecies of dates,
    pyramid measuring, etc. but I felt if I did that, he might
    close his mind. I thought, if only I could get something
    Then do you want to know what he said after I finished speaking?

    "The Truth isn't for everyone."


  • trudy

    I just wanted to mention a couple of scriptures which may have
    helped. I should have quoted these when speaking to my
    Jehovah's Witness friend (he and his wife are very nice)

    (John 14:15)Jesus said,"If you love me, you will observe
    my commandments;
    and I will request the Father and he will give you another
    helper to be with you forever, the spirit of the truth, which
    the world cannnot recieve because it neither beholds it not
    knows it"


    (John 14:21)"He that has my commandments and observes them, that
    one is he who loves me. In turn, he who loves me will be loved
    by my Father, and I will love him,
    and plainly show myself to him."

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