Stop Child Abuse by Religious Leaders

by silentlambs 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Hyghlandyr

    All allegations is exactly that ALL. Priests, ministers, elders, and even counselors simply often do not have the training or resources to investigate crimes. This is not to say that the police always make the best use of those that they have. Yet they are by far better equipped. If an allegation is made to them, is it really any different than making it to the police? Emphatically yes.

    One is that people are often more comfortable with their religious leaders. Let them go first to them, not just for this but other moral matters. Then let the minister give them good healthy advice. Go to the police. Or Get a lawyer. Or call an accountant. Or see a counselor. Or call the computer repair guy. I dont care what the situation is, a qualified professional, including a minister, should be professional enough to know where their skill stops, and where anothers must be utilized instead.

    And that is the second point, the police are far more qualified to investigate cases of alleged child abuse. Then to do something about it. Do they always? No my dad was out in two years. Still, it is on record now.

    As far as it becoming a witchhunt? Boofeckinhoo. You want me to play violins? Notice I am not shedding a single tear. The average molester will molest seventy, count em, SEVENTY children in their lifetime as a molestor. With the large numbers of molesters that are out there, it is easy to realize that many of the people you know were molested in their childhoods. And many of the children you know might be molested right now.

    I am Amoral, sex, drugs, war, theft, murder. I do not consider these things inherently wrong. There is one thing I do, and that is the abuse, neglect, and anguish perpetrated upon children. Call me a bleeding heart. But if some adults suffer along the way so be it.

    I myself still hug my neices. But I dont like other men to, because I do not trust them. One fella my sister was dating would let them climb up on his lap after a bath, even if they had shed their towels! I would have to go pull them down and get them dressed. And this happened even after I complained about it.

    There are things you can do to protect yourself as an adult, from a false accusation. Dont be alone with kids. Fine. Always know where you are. If you have to be alone with kids, have a camera running, stay online or on the phone with someone, whatever.

    But pardon I am not going to shed tears over the claim that all crimes, should be reported to the police, or all alleged crimes. Let them sort it out. Contrary to belief they dont go arresting everyone accused, they investigate. Which is the entire reason we want them reported.

  • joelbear


    Good points for me to ponder.



  • Pathofthorns

    Since the Society has acknowleged a victim's right to go to the police, must we now take away their right to choose not to?

    I suspect that although the 'lambs' that have been exposed to Silentlambs webset are aware of their right to go to the police, very few have chosen to actually do so. You have to ask yourself, if victims are not prevented from going to the police, then why aren't they all lining up to report what happened to them? There are many reasons why victims often choose not to go to the police.

    For many, what happened to them happened a long time ago and they have made much progress in moving on from what happened. By requiring these crimes to be reported without the consent of a victim, they could find themselves having to relive the painful experience all over again, turning the clock back on years of progress.

    Some victims like a listening ear and feel a need to talk about what happened to them. Others do not want what happened to them to become public knowledge. Being in a courtroom with the person that committed these crimes against you and still not being sure you can get a conviction would not be a pleasant thing.

    I don't know if it is right or wrong for a victim to not go to the police. There are problems often whether they go or whether they don't go. I do know that as a man, if I was raped by a person as a child I don't think it is something I would want to talk about. (And I thank a lamb for helping me appreciate in this way why not all victims want to go to the police)

    Mandatory reporting of these incidents is not something that all victims necessarily want. It would be good if they go to the police, but the reasons why many don't are understandable, and who are we to criticize them? The way the Society's present policy stands is that the right to choose is in the hands of the victim - where I believe it should be.


  • siegswife

    Signed and sent out for more...

  • sf

    Had a feeling you'd get one going.

    Thanks, sKally

  • siegswife


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