Hi Mulan and thank you for sharing this.
When serving as an elder I called both the legal and service desk many times. Even after confirming who you were by name, congregation number, and position held within, they will NOT reveal their identity.
I remember the need to call the legal desk in connection with an issue several times. After I told them who I was they would put the appropriate brother on the line. As a side note, I always made sure that I had another elder listening in on the conversation.
One thing that ALWAYS struck me in dealing with brothers on those desks. While they were polite and cordial, they were objective (read cold-blooded), first and foremost. In other words his terrier-like loyalty is to the organization FIRST.
Proceed carefully. You expressed to him that you have specific issues with the organization and discussed them on one hand. The question regarding the organization/God was a LOADED one. Sadly, it was one I was trained to ask on certain occasions.
If push comes to shove, I would certainly threaten a media brouhaha with the local elders.
I am saddened that you are having to undergo this added pressure.
Thanks again and keep us posted.