I left a PM or two for you!
Howdy From Texas
by TexasEX 54 Replies latest jw friends
Hello Texas:
One point I forgot to bring out is are you old enough to leave your house, and are you working. Because if you get DFS or DA you could get kicked out of the house if your old enough. So plan your exit wisely okay. My husband and I send our love your way. Take care of yourself.
Warm welcome from Houston TexasEx!
Hello TexasEx:
Just wonderimg how your doing. Drop us a line to let us know your still there. We worry about you okay TexasEx. How are you managing things these days. So you take care of yourself and don't forget to drop us a line that your okay.
LoisLane looking for Superman
TexasEx, Howdy! I have Texas relatives but thankfully, they were smarter than my family and never became Governing Body Drones. lol
Enjoy your awakening. It only happens once.
Just Lois