jam You may have missed the point that women
are treated as second class citizens
in the Watchtower , they can't even be ushers,
and serve no purpose except to do "time"
Even though Jesus said "You are neither male not female,
but you are all one in the Christ"
Jesus had religious discussions with women
one on one. In the WT women are supposed to
talk through their husbands, be in subjection,
even though this subjection- domination thing
was NOT the way Jehovah created man and woman.
Man dominating women was a CURSE. It was part of the curse.
Read Genesis. There was no domination or subjection
before the curse. The CURSE WAS NAILED TO THE CROSS that is
what the Bible says. The curse was done away with, Christ reconcilled
us back to God. So no more curse, READ the Bible.
The argument that women was created "last" only proved
that she was the pinnicale of creation since it went from
plants, to animals, to man, to woman. Creation went UPWARD.
The fact woman was taken from Adam's rib did not mean
subjection, it meant oneness, the same kind,
the unity of male and female.