So I've been thinking about my JW family members a lot lately, especially since I just saw them a couple of weeks ago at my youngest sisters wedding. With all the current animosity towards apostates that seems to be more aggressive than usual it hit me when I saw this posted on FB today. Would it be possible for the GB to demand that JW's kill apostates? I know, I know, it sounds insane. But other relious cults have done it. Do you think it's possible?
I know this sounds crazy but, what if?
by earthfire 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Conflating all disfellowshipped individual with apostasy is really whacked!
I'm sure there are plenty of gung-ho JWs that'd be happy to do the deed if the GB/FDS ever commanded them.
What they don't know is that some of us "apostates" would be happy to return the favor!
Fortunately, for us, Kool-aid drinking uber JWs don't have any weapons.
Kool-aid drinking uber JWs don't have any weapons handguns
There are plenty of things that can be made weapons. I know JWs who hunt - they have longarms, just not handguns.
There are kitchen knives (utensils - A-ok to own), axes, machetes, lawnmower blades (all tools - perfectly ok to have).
I don't see this happening anytime too soon, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.
The WTS teaches that only Jesus and the angels (and the already resurrected anointed) will kill the wicked (all non-jws). Many jws have died rather than go into the military, be in law enforcement, own a gun, etc. They have told the rank and file that they will merely standby and see God destroy the wicked.
(2 Chronicles 20:14-17) 14 Now as for Ja·ha·zi′el the son of Zech·a·ri′ah the son of Be·nai′ah the son of Je·i′el the son of Mat·ta·ni′ah the Levite of the sons of A′saph, the spirit of Jehovah came to be upon him in the middle of the congregation. 15 Consequently he said: “Pay attention, all Judah and YOU inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Je·hosh′a·phat! Here is what Jehovah has said to YOU, ‘Do not YOU be afraid or be terrified because of this large crowd; for the battle is not YOURS, but God’s. 16 Tomorrow go down against them. There they are coming up by the pass of Ziz; and YOU will be certain to find them at the end of the torrent valley in front of the wilderness of Je·ru′el. 17 YOU will not need to fight in this instance. Take YOUR position, stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah in YOUR behalf. O Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid or be terrified. Tomorrow go out against them, and Jehovah will be with YOU.’”
*** w05 12/1 p. 6 Armageddon—A Happy Beginning ***
What forces will Jehovah use against his enemies? We simply do not know. What we do know is that he has at his disposal the means to devastate the wicked nations completely. (Job 38:22, 23; Zephaniah 1:15-18) However, God’s earthly worshippers will not participate in the battle. The vision in Revelation chapter 19 indicates that only heavenly armies will share with Jesus Christ in the warfare. None of Jehovah’s Christian servants on earth will take part.—2 Chronicles 20:15, 17.
There is no record that the early Christians executed any apostates...Only Ananias and Sapphira and the Christians never laid an executing hand on them.
I can't see anything happening along these lines as a group effort, but there is a healthy smattering of loonies mixed in with JW's who might take up the cause. Perhaps the writing department should tone it down a little. They're setting themselves up for more lawsuits.
True, blondie, but then the WTBTS can introduce "new light" whenever it feels like it.
Good point Shador. I'd love to see one of those fat, over-weight and out-of-shape uber elders come my way with a kitchen knife.
That's what I was thinking Shador, the "New Light" angle is what concerns me.
If they ever congregate to a state like the Mormon(Utah)
I wouldn,t move there.
I've thought about this issue, too. I even brought it up at my judicial committee, said to the elders, "You'd probably kill me over this if they told you to." The chairman's response was that the Bible does very clearly condemn violence. "Well," I said, "maybe not everyone would do it."
In hindsight, it occurred to me: since when does a little thing like the Bible ever get in the way of them doing whatever they really want to do?
I think I even wrote a satire on this issue, of what it would sound like if they issued such an order. I'll post the link below. Note: Let's NOT mention this satire at all during the year 2019, juuust in case someone out there's unstable enough to believe it's a real article: