Overlapping Generations: A wacky kool-aid thread

by RayPublisher 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher

    Another wacky kool aid thread for your reading pleasure from the hardcore Dubbs on JW Talk dot net is here if you want to read it:


    They wax philosophical, they curse this horrible old world, they gently try to project how soon the Big A will come, and then swoon when someone quotes a tidbit from a GB member that they overheard. Warning: those with weak stomachs do not read!



    Here's the OP:

    In the WT study this Sunday, one of the points in the box on page 9 is about 'this generation'. It tells you to research in an old (2010) Watchtower. This is what the WT says, I copied it: "... He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began
     to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see
     the start of the great tribulation..." I know we can't calculate when the end will come. There 
    is actually a scripture about that in the bible reading next week. But, when you look at this 
    explanation of this scripture, am I right that you can calculate approximately? For example it
    can't go on 30 more years. Because then there won't be any more anointed alive who lived at
    the same time with anointed that lived in 1914. Or did I not understand that correctly??? 

    And here's an excerpt of one El-Dur trying to explain overlapping generations in the above-linked thread:

    "So, in what I would consider an extreme scenario, let's presume a person was 15, baptized, and anointed in 1914. He lives to be 100 and dies in the year 1999. When he died, there was another anointed contemporary of his who was also 15. He too lives to be 100, and dies in the year 2085.

    Both of these individuals were part of the same generation - the "last days" generation."

    Here's some other bon motts from the faithful Dubbs:

    "I really look forward to studying the 7/15 Watchtower as a congregation and sounding down all these refinements!"


    "At our visit to Brooklyn we met Brother Loesch and talked a little bit with him. When my husband said we came to see the HQ for the last time before they move to Warwick, Brother Loesch told us that they don't think they will make it out of N.Y. completely before the end. The end is that close! And when do they plan to finish Warwick? 2016 I believe......That gives me such a deep feeling of satisfaction, contentment, and yes---goosebumps!!!"


    "Bro Samuel Herd gave a talk in which he stated:

    'Sometimes in traveling about, and I am not trying to make any judgments, but sometimes I see those who claim to be of the anointed not representing anything that I've seen of the anointed. Sometimes they're the biggest troublemakers in the congregation.

    Sometimes they cause more fights, literally fighting, I've actually seen that. Difficulty and trouble that they cause within the congregation; I went on a bible study and this person wasn't baptized and they were sitting there figuring out whether or not they were of the anointed.'

    We have the composite sign Jesus gave us, and we know Jehovah's patience will soon run out. His institution of marriage is crumbling as gay marriage laws are passed around the world, gay men are paying surrogates to have babies for them, so the role of the mother is obselete, the earth is being ruined at a faster rate than scientists thought, more horrific stories every day as Satan knows his time is fast running out."


    "I would hate to be a woman with pangs of distress comparable to today and have to endure that kind of pain 20 or 30 more years...even 2 more years will take anesthesia from Jehovah to get thru what is ahead!"


  • cantleave


  • prologos

    RAY, good stuff but,

    BON MOTTS, cool - aid?

    MOTTS beverages on our grocery shelfs are Tomato Juices and their mixes.

    les bon mots : --- 2084 here we come, only half an overlapping generation away.

  • OnTheWayOut

    "So, in what I would consider an extreme scenario, let's presume a person was 15, baptized, and anointed in 1914. He lives to be 100 and dies in the year 1999. When he died, there was another anointed contemporary of his who was also 15. He too lives to be 100, and dies in the year 2085.

    Both of these individuals were part of the same generation - the "last days" generation."

    That's where they will eventually go, but it is not what they want anyone to think right now. Right now, they want members to think that the old men in the Governing Body significantly overlapped with 1914 anointed in that they "knew" them, worked with them. That way, the end would need to come any minute now.

    But it's not what they say in print solidly. Later, they will back off to something equaling what was stated above. Eventually, they will refer back to their 2010 statement:

    "...would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see
    the start of the great tribulation..."

    The START of... If they want to, they will say the great tribulation will have started. But it may carry on for awhile.

  • redvip2000

    "At our visit to Brooklyn we met Brother Loesch and talked a little bit with him. When my husband said we came to see the HQ for the last time before they move to Warwick, Brother Loesch told us that they don't think they will make it out of N.Y. completely before the end. The end is that close! And when do they plan to finish Warwick? 2016 I believe......That gives me such a deep feeling of satisfaction, contentment, and yes---goosebumps!!!"

    It didn't occur to this rocket scientist to then ask Brother Loesch why on earth would you go through the trouble of making this real estate move, being that the end will come before it is done!! Surely that shouldn't be the priority.

  • respectful_observer

    If they want to, they will say the great tribulation will have started.


    BINGO!!! After all if Jesus took his throne in 1914, and he's decided to take 99 years (and counting) to actually start executing judgement, the arguement can be made that the GT can START during the overlapping generation, but is there any restriction on how long it can actually last?

    Future WT quote decades from now:

    "In the early 20th century, even events as extreme as World War I were not enough for human goverments and their followers to realize these momentous events were a visible sign that Jesus Christ had cast Satan and his demon followers out of heaven and taken his seat as his throne. So today too, Satan continues to 'blind the minds of the unbelievers' (2 Cor 4:4), not allowing them to realize that the world conditions we see around us today are in fact a visible sign that the foretold Great Tribulation has already begun. Although Jehovah has not revealed the exact length of the Great Tribulation, we can have confidence that as he directs his earthly organization through these historic events, that He will continue to provide life-saving "food at the proper time" through his Faithful Slave (Matt 24:45). How important it is, then, that we stick close to and listen to the Faithful Slave to ensure we remain in God's protection as this Great Tribulation we're experiencing becomes evident to all mankind. Without such vigilence, we become like those in Noah's day who 'took no note' (Matt 24:39)."

  • sosoconfused

    CAn someone please explain to me at what point in your mind do you really begin to think this and not ask yourself, "WTF am I invilved with here"

    "Anyway if we speculate a bit, I think that the number of 144.000 anointed was closed a long ago... Maybe 1935? But then some of them failed like Judas and Jehovah called others. Although Jehovah could know beforehand who would fail, he chose not to know. So, when the prophecy about this generation was made could it be that 1935 was the limite to this overlap to occur? Am I stretching to much?
    If someone had 15 and was baptized in 1935 he would have 100 years in 2020... But then he could dye with 93... Or could be baptized with 13...
    We could not calculate a thing but it sure goes well with the limits of the system that we all feel right now... Today

  • RayPublisher

    oops I spelled "bon mots" wrong...sorry!

  • prologos

    But WT might switch from Cool aid to Motts tomato juice.

  • Roberta804

    small pond, small fish

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