Up-skirt voyeur pervert is a Jehovah's Witness
by RayPublisher 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals
That's why I'm in favor of pant suits for women in the faith.
Beware pf shoe salesmen that insist on helping you too.
Room 215
Remarkable that the perp is unnamed in the article..... I mean, who are they protecting?
Room 215
Frankie: " With the amount of sexual repression the JWs under go it is surprising that they don't have more people like this in their organization."
Who can say they don't?
6 months later he is reinstated with restrictions, I am guessing one of the restrictions is he won't be allowed to carry a brief case........................................................
Yes I want to know why the pervert is not named too... They name pedophiles why not him?
Calebs Airplane
This only happened because they eliminated the Daily Text prior to Field Circus. Had they considered the Daily Text, Jay Hoover's spirit would have prevented this perversion....