Now that Russell is no longer important do you think this is designed so they can drop 1914???
1914 gone??
by Crazyguy 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
1914 gone??
yes... it's been almost 100 years ago .. a full century...
were you in some time capsule government experiment .,, and just wake up .. it's 2013..
I don't see that they have a choice but to drop 1914. Of course, they will come up with some contrived explanation and the "try hards" will clap their hands and exclaim how wonderful the new light is.
Dropping 1914 as a significant date would have to be done very carefully and gradually by the WTBTS. That date has been a cornerstone belief for a long time. To drop it would be as radical a change as dropping the blood ban or the practice of shunning. It would require a complete, ground-up rewrite of their understanding of Daniel and Revelation.
That said, I think they may try to, since it has been so long. The July 15 WT already moved stuff from the past to the future, so we shall see. If they try to rush it, they could end up loosing a lot of people.
The "wise virgins" who are part of the faithful elect use 1914 to begin the "lsst generation" of 1914-1994. What the WTS does in relation to 1914 is moot.
It would seem that at some point the revisions of the Persian Period and Neo-Babylonian Period that affect dating all the way back to the Exodus will one day come out and become official in the academic world. When that happens and 539 BCE falls as the date for the fall of Babylon then the WTS will be faced with teaching something different about 1914. But it doesn't matter since Jehovah has cast them into spiritual darkness anyway. They have no light. The faithful elect have the light now.
Even so, 1914 is still a good date for the beginning of the "last generation" since that begins with a world war.
JW GoneBad
Numbers don't lie! A decline in the amount of times 1914 has been mentioned in the Awake and Watchtower magazines over the past years:
2012-2010 50 times (average 16.7 times/year)
2009-2000 265 “ (average 26.5 times/year)
1999-1990 892 “ (average 89.2 times/year)
1989-1980 1,026 “ (average 102.6 times/year)
1979-1970 771 “ (average 77.1 times/year)
1969-1960 1,092 “ (average 109.2 times/year)
1959-1950 1,116 “ (average 111.6 times/year)
The Watchtower has already ditched two major dates that were intricately linked to Chuck Russell's razzle-dazzle eschatology: 1799 - the very first "Biblical" date adduced by Chuck for the start of the time of the end and 1874, the commencement of Christ's invisible heavenly reign. If someone had told Chuck that his followers would ditch those dates in less than 100 years time, he'd have declared such an occurrence utterly impossible - so convinced was he about their Biblical basis. What looks impossible to mere man, is possible with the brief passage of time because it is all nonsense anyway.
Larsinger58 (Even so, 1914 is still a good date for the beginning of the "last generation" since that begins with a world war.)
but Rutherford miss quoted Jesus." world war 1 and report of wars"
Jesus said there would be wars and report of wars and what did he say... do not worry!
World war 1 was not signaficant when there were 10,000 Roman soldiers camped on the four corners of Jerusalem.
Your statement neglects the torture and the deaths of the new Christians who are the martyrs waiting for Christ to avenge their deaths.
Not to mention the Iseraelites who later believed in the death and life of Jesus.
Also, many Gentiles who died preaching about Jesus.
World war 1 was a horrible war but Jesus made no statement that it was more important to recognize the times of the last days.
I hope this site will help you with your mind set.
jehovists use of 1914 and WW1, because these things happened all at once on a world wide scale, therefore it must be true.
according to their logic.
There is no question in my mind that they will carry on ditching 1914. Thy have ditched Russell very easily, and that was a pretty big step, yet the sheep just accepted it. As has been pointed out they have been talking about it less and less over the past years. JWs will accept whatever they are told provided the gov body state it as fact (which they always do)