Has anyone heard about the spike in those partaking in South Florida? Several sources have confirmed to me that in the Kendall Lakes Congregation they had 11 new partakers at the Memorial this year. In a nearby Hall they had 6 new partakers. Another told me in Georgia, they had 3 new partakers in their Hall.
New Annointed Ones in Miami
by James Jackson 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Witness 007
Some old folks thinking there at a buffet dinner perhaps?
darth frosty
Well noolyte will be coming out showing an adjustment in the the great crowd prophecy.
In the past for who knows what reason some have believed that the number going to heaven was a set finite number. sadly those who believed this way were in actuality running ahead of the things that were written. Jesus in his parable of the sheep and other sheep folk was clearly just sheeping around. But when jesus started talking about the Abodes thats were the real prophecy begins. Jesus explained that his fathers house has MANY abodes.
With all its abodes and an initially finite number of people it was only a matter of time before someone invited someone else! The heavenly calling thus became the equivelent of a heavenly slumber party. You had the original invitees that were ACTUALY the real friends of jesus who he wanted to have over for a kick ass slumber party with pizza from the GOOD pizza spot and playing XBOX all night.
See in reality his real friends would come ove and eat pizza and play and they would link up online with those other friends who for what ever reason couldn't make it over. That was the real meaning of the 'other sheep' they were his peeps who just couldn't make it to the slumber party. But than Jesus mom was running her mouth to his aunt and next thing you know his annoying ass cousin was invited to the slumber party...WTF?!?
Soo now the shit is all messed up, since the annoying ass cousin is coming now all of sudden the freaking menu done change cause he freaking lactose intolerant. WHy do jesus and his friends now have to sacrifice their pizza party from the good pizza place cause this lil turd is lactose intolerant?!? hell the only thing he likes to eat is matza ball soup with the matza over cooked?
Ok where were we? oh since this lil punk has ruined our party than the kid down the street hears about the party FUUGGGGGG!!! this kid brings nothing to the table and is just a downer, im talkin bout the type of person who ruins a wet dream. So here his ass come up to jesus in school the next day: I hear ya'll gon be playing XBOX I cant wait I never played XBOX I only played intelavision do you have the slide cards for XBOX too?!?
Intelavison INTELAVISION?!? its 2013 who even has a working intelavision game any more?
Ok so now jesus fun with his boys is almost completely ruined, he's had to invite his terd cousin, the loser down the street is in and his pizza from the good pizza place has been downgraded to some $5 hot-n-ready's cause of the extra mouths to feed (which is really fuged up because all he had to do was multiply the pizza the same way he did the loaves and fish but nooo mom says that would be showing off in front of your friends?!?)
So now comes time for his big party my man gon make the most of it, he has laid out his BEST outfit to be super fly for the night than...than...Mom comes out with her 'I want you to wear this invisible outfit for the evening?!?' WTF?!? This is MY night I been waiting for this (for god knows what reason) for almost 2 millenia and you want me to be INVISIBLE...mom you are really ruining my rep! Mom says you only 15 trizillion yrs old you dont have a rep yet!
So the party starts jesus real friends come early so they can have some fun before the losers show up but even that is ruined. Soon as they get there they ready to attack the food and than these idiots talking bout oh yall wanna make sure this the food you spose to eat we need to have an hour long talk on who is called to eat the food and who should just watch?!?
So at this point the gloves come off jesus like fug this ITS my party I'MA bout to go ProjectX on yalls ass. So jesus say Im about to go me on these fools Luke 14:12-24. So he goes and invites anyone he can to the party than goes down to the store and gets ned the wino to by some vodka and hennesey for the gig (turns out he mastered turning water into wine but cannot do distilled spirits...go fig.)
SO now heaven is off the fuggin chain neighbors complaining and bitchin', the pool is like ruined for life cause someone gave the cousin some bad shrimp and dude just has no bowel control and the loser kid from down the street broke the XBOX controller.
Sooo basically thats the noo-lyte about why the increase in partakers should be officially anounced in the oct 2014 WT
Everybody can't be a king-priest. Who will the king-priests serve?
But it is correct that the number going to heaven is limited. Everybody can't be the "bride of Christ." The first resurrection underscores this since it occurs prior to the 1000-year reign of the kings and priests with Jesus Christ. Yet we see other people in the earth and not coming to life until after the 1000 years. Then too, the king-priests are judges of those who come back from the dead during the 2nd resurrection. So there are many examples that indicate those who become king-priests are a limited number and a much smaller number than the millions of people whom they serve as kings, priests and judges.
Having noted that though, please note a reference at Isa 6:13 to a tree being chopped down and the root remaining in it:
Isa 6:13 And there will still be in it a tenth, and it must again become something for burning down, like a big tree and like a massive tree in which, when there is a cutting down [of them], there is a stump; a holy seed will be the stump of it.”
Now, in the NT the kingdom is also represented as a tree, an olive tree, into which wild olive branches are grafted in where the natural olive branches were lopped off. So gentiles consider themselves to be "spiritual Jews" because of this. Even so, they are reminded not to become haughty since the life of the branches comes from the root of the tree which is made up of the natural Jews. That simply means while the Israelites were punished and had their seats in the kingdom taken away, a small remnant of natural Jews would still be part of the heavenly class and fulfill the Abrahamic covenant. In fact, they would remain the most important part of the heavenly class.
If we apply Isaiah 6:13 to tis olive tree, though, and assign the root of the tree to the natural Jews in the kingdom, and consider that the 144,000 is a reference to those natural Jews since they "master the song of Moses", then that would mean that the 144,000 makes up just one-tenth of the entire number, with 90% being from the gentiles. Thus the number is still limited, only it is not 144,000 but 1,440,000!
All that to say this: Those newly partaking ones may be quite legitimate.
When Christ returns, remember, a call goes out to come to the wedding feast, which represents the marriage between Christ and the elect. But many beg off. As a result, there is not enough to fill all the seats. So that parable tells us that the qualified number is not filled when Christ first arrives from among those invited. But rather than have the wedding feast empy, the master sends out his slaves to bring people from off the streets to fill the seats. These come from "eastern parts and western parts" meaning some of these are even non-Christians. Within the WTS, though, this would include invitations to some of those who consider themselves the "other sheep" and thus with the earthly hope.
All that to say this: On a high spiritual level, the master is trying to fill all these vacant seats that those first invited have not filled, so we expect that there would be an increase in partakers among Jehovah's witnesses right up until the end. The "great tribulation" begins when that last anointed one is sealed. The sealing of the elect has to take place during generally peaceful times and before the destruction of Babylon the Great by the U.N.
But also, in the parable of the vineyard workers, who work 11 hours, this is a reference to the WTS. Each hour represents 7 years and thus the work is carried out for 77 years from 1914-1991. But notice the ones first in the work are guaranteed a penny. Those coming from the 3rd through the 11th hour are expecting less. Within the WTS, all the anointed are those first in the work. The third-hour workers would begin to show up after 21 years (3 x 7 = 21). Add 21 years to 1914 and you get 1935, the year the "earthly class" was officially recognized. BUT... note that during that last hour, the 12th hour, which would be from 1991-1998, where the workers are paid from the last to the first, that ALL THE WORKERS GET THE PENNY! So technically, all the "other sheep" earthly class were invited to be part of the kingdom between 1991-1998 anyway! So while there is a two-class system confirmed by the Bible among witnesses from 1935-1991, after 1991 there is just a one-class heavenly system again, where all the workers are given the "penny" which represents the heavenly calling.
Now, there should have been a huge surge, one would think, in partakers after 1991. But those who came in first were more aware of the second coming occurring in 1992, which means Christ's first passover after his return occurred on April 6, 1993. Even so, his return would "end gift and sacrifice" in the middle of the 70th week (1989-1996) and thus would end the need for the Lord's Supper celebration. So while there indeed was a huge increase among the other sheep after passover of 1993, it would not become readily obvious because they knew better than to continue to celebrate the Lord's Supper. They don't partake. Even so, we started to see an increase in those who felt they were ofr the anointed and being still associated with JWs did begin to partake. So those new ones who do partake are not second guessed.
Reflect on the parable of the prodigal son. The prodigal son is the son who becomes the Christ and his father gives him a private banquet. The older brother which repreesnts the first ones in the vineyard work and thus the original anointed ones, complain about this when they hear about this banquet given to their younger brother (one of the "other sheep") who has now become the messiah. Those who are part of the banquet are in secret, the older brother is in public. But even though the older brother murmurs against the younger brother like the first-hour workers murmur against the 11th hour workers, he is not rejected. The older brother is not rejected. He did his duty. The father comes out and assures him, "what is mine is yours" -- just as the master of the vineyard tells the 1st-hour workers, "take what is yours and go!" So there are two classes of anointed ones. Those who are in public and those who are in private. Those in the secret societies who are part of the banquet do not partake of the emblems at the Lord's Suppre, even if they are pretending to still be active witnesses. But others who become of the anointed who are not part of the secret banquet, would be part of the public class and they may still partake, if only to demonstrate that the number of the heavenly class is increasing and some are still being sealed into the kingdom.
Sp evem those who know Christ returned in 1992 and ended the Memorial in 1993, we still recognize that some might still partake and still be legitimate anointed ones, since they would join the other public anointed ones with JWs who are still partaking.
So this is really good news! This not only suggests that there were a few empty seats still available as late as last year, but that because of these last few empty seats, Armageddon and the great tribulation has been delayed! It has now been some 20 years since the 2nd coming on December 25, 1992!
ANYWAY: If you still believe the Bible and believe Jehovah is real and Christ is real, and you feel that you have the heavenly calling, then you probably DO! It means Jesus is knocking at your door. But you've got to get up and answer! You've got to study the scriptures to know that there will be seats right up to the last minute when the "great tribulation" begins!!
I think partaking at the memorial shows agreement with the faithful slave as explained by the Watchtower.
The Searcher
1) The Memorial of Christ's death involves a full meal.
2) The Memorial of Christ's death requires that every Christian partake of that meal and the emblems - as commanded by Christ.
Therefore on both counts, what takes place annually in Kingdom Halls worldwide is a sham and a travesty of the Scriptures.
As such, this 'tradition invalidates God's Word'.
Wow they still have partakers huh? Looks like the rank and file is giving a middle finger to the GB.
JW's = bad at math.
The numbers have been going up for some time. It makes sense that it would especially be about older jws and more than 1 per congregation. There is a reason the WTS e r ased the 1935 limitation and has come up with a new doctrine of the overlapping generation. As to all being kings, the WTS and others teach that only those who were Christians after Jesus death could be of the kings and priests to go to heaven. So that still leaves everyone born before....to be ruled over. I wonder how many people felt they were between 33 C.E. and today?
The anointing is nothing special as far as Kings and priest go. When one reads the bible ones finds out that when one is baptised holy spirit is prayed to be poured out over you. This is the anointing, all baptised Christians are anointed, that what Christian's means. There no were in the NT scriptures were there's anointed and there's not. All that believe Jesus is the messiah are Gods sons. The GB uses one scripture in Romans chapter 8 to try to say that one gets an anointing yet when you read the whole chapter its clear Paul is talking about those with a spiritual life style and those with a fleshly one.