Two To Five Year Faders, How Often Do Your JW Friends Who Promised To Die 4 U, Check Up on You?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    We all were told, even in these stupid songs we sang at the Kingdom Hall that our brothers would die for us because they loved us so much! They had the love of Jesus Christ so deep, they would do anything to make sure we stayed aboard the Patterson Ark.

    Now I can't create a fancy time-line like the July 15, 2013 Watchtower that shows all those cool pictures and charts. We saw the "Faithful Slave" Russell was deleted from the Class to a Second Tier "John the Baptist Class" ((The least member in the Kingdom of God would be greater than John the Baptist (Brother Russell-Founder of the Organization and Financial Backer)) which means the Governing Body is disloyal to the men who started up their business back in the 1880s. All the "Angel Capital Investors" are not longer "Angels" in the eyes of the Bernie Madoffs and, World-Con and Enron Executives of the Brooklyn Heists.

    Now back to the thread, to those who have been fading over two to five years, how often do those brothers and sisters check up on you? Some of you gave jobs, money and homes to help these "fair weathered friends", for the sake of the newbies, please tell us how long it's been since the "Most Loving JWs have checked up on you and seen how they can help you out!"

    Thanks for helping all the new members here on JWN, they need to know the truth about the lack of love that exists in this Mock Christian Church!

  • Phizzy

    In the first six months or so of my going cold turkey, just stopped attending, there were visits from three or four who actually cared. Then I got the two Elder visit, nothing since, apart from the odd polite call as they did FS in my street, until I requested to be a DNC.

    That is in six years or so, a flurry at the beginning, waning to (welcome) disinterest very soon.

    "Friends" they were not, or they would have really tried to save my life. I am glad they did not though, as walking the tight-rope of conversations was not pleasant for a fader.

  • snare&racket

    They went from 'being like family' to crossing the street to avoid me...... I'm just a fader too, no sin here. In the early years they swore they would treat me the same even though I wanted to change my mind. Latest thing I heard was "he turned his back on everything and everyohe knew..." At least it beats the early claims "he's gay" or "he's apostate" etc.... When there is no explanation, people just fill in the blanks for themselves.

    I just smile, nod, wave and watch as they scurry away in fear, block me from social contact mechanisms and ignore polite messages wishing them well..

    snare x

  • label licker
    label licker

    It's been a year now and still no one. As a matter of fact, close friends of ours have gotton three shepherding visits all within a month. They've been in it for over thirty-five years and never a shepherds visit. The last visit was pure harassment. The elders told them and a few others not to associate with us. That it's ok to say hello if we're seen on the streets but that's it. No official announcement from the platform but that we're questioning the fds. We're just waiting for their next move and we will start the ball rolling. They've also been going to our last hall we were in ten years ago to find out why we left. The gossip is disgusting. I hope society is reading this to see how their teaching techniques for the elders school are absolutely childish. The problem with this elder body is they have all sponged off their parents all their lives and now in their forties are still having their butts wiped. They won't pioneer and at the most work part time if that. How sad it's a bunch of delinquents with emotional problems that determine who can talk to you and who can't. Surely there's gotta be someone in the congregation with half a brain that notices they are having their free will taken away from them.

  • ldrnomo

    Never, never ever.

    And we were pillers in the cong. I was an elder and PO, my wife was a support to those that had problems and I provided good jobs for some who would have had to struggle.

    But I don't care and at this point in my life, would not want to see or get involved with any of them. I have moved on.

  • Heartofaboy

    I've had three visits in 6.5 years.

    One elder trying to get me out in FS again or just to have a 'study'.

    Another elder has visited twice but more as a friend.

    A couple of years I went to the memorial only & a JW I thought was truly my friend always came up & said I must come & see you but has NEVER visited me.

    They are kept too busy by the borg I suppose.

    I've just remembered one big noise wanted to see me & I told the messenger I didn't want to see him.

  • LongHairGal


    I have moved on and only have about two "friends" left in the religion.

    I never expected anybody to die for me (and I am sure they wouldn't have). I never believed that garbage about dying for your brother. The only person I would ever die for would be my own child. The religion likes to say this because they are looking for willing victims and I sure wasn't one of them!

    In answer to your question: only one of these friends checks up on me.

  • sosoconfused

    I am currently 6 months in to my disappearance. I have received text messages from 4 of the 12 elders in the hall. Yes text messages. I got one call from a brother who asked me how I have been and then proceeded to try and sell me some pre-paid legal services via some weird pyramid scheme. The secretary came by once and my wife screamed at him. These people are not your true friends. They are acquaintances... nothing more. They aren't willing to die for you - they will die for what the WTBTS tells them to die for which just so happens to be you.

  • blondie

    When I was an active jw my "good" friends would say they would die for me but never call to see how I was.

    Really people find it hard to LIVE for their friends rather than die for them.

    So many jws say they would be willing to “die” for their brothers and sisters but not “live” for them. Does the WTS practice what they preach?

    *** Come Be My Follower (2007) cf chap. 17 p. 178 par. 13 “No One Has Love Greater Than This” ***

    Being willing to lay down our life for our brothers is not the only way to show self-sacrificing love. After all, few of us are ever called upon to make such a great sacrifice. However, if we love our brothers enough to die for them, should we not be willing to make smaller sacrifices , going out of our way to help them now? To be self-sacrificing means to give up our own advantage or comfort for the benefit of others. We put their needs and welfare ahead of our own even if it is not convenient. (1 Corinthians 10:24) In what practical ways can we show self-sacrificing love?

    What does the WTS consider a “sacrifice”? Not any of the above are mentioned.

    *** cf chap. 17 pp. 178-179 par. 14 “No One Has Love Greater Than This” ***

    Congregation elders make many sacrifices to “shepherd the flock.” (1 Peter 5:2, 3) In addition to looking after their own families, they may need to take time during evenings or on weekends to care for congregation matters, including preparing meeting parts, making shepherding calls, and handling judicial cases. Many elders make additional sacrifices, working hard at assemblies and conventions and serving as members of Hospital Liaison Committees, Patient Visitation Groups, and Regional Building Committees.

    What, though, about the wives of elders—do not these supportive women also make sacrifices so that their husbands can take care of the flock? Surely it is a sacrifice for a wife when her husband needs to devote to congregation matters time that he might otherwise spend with his family. Think, too, of the wives of traveling overseers and the sacrifices they make to accompany their husbands from congregation to congregation and from circuit to circuit. They forgo having a home of their own and perhaps have to sleep in a different bed each week.

  • Robert7

    Absolutely zero, never. In addition my own mother won't talk to me or wants to be in the same room as me (even though I never talk religion), so there's Christian love for you.

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