NONE...That's the way I like it...JWs are conditional friends...and I no longer wish to submit to conditions.
Two To Five Year Faders, How Often Do Your JW Friends Who Promised To Die 4 U, Check Up on You?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
For quite a few years, I would still go along to the Memorial, you would think this would have put some of them in mind that maybe I was worth a call, but no, not one Elder in 16 or 17 years, but then again I do live well over 300 metres from 5 Kingdom halls!
I've been a non attender for almost 10 years now, but it's a great thread question so I'll say what happened in my first 5 years of fading. I only kept in touch with my JW parents for family reasons - none of my older JW siblings EVER call me , no former JW friends NEVER call me and just like LDRNOMO said- I've moved on. I much prefer the company of new unconditional friends either ex-JW's or non-JW's. Much more caring people I've found. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Calebs Airplane
"Love" in Watchtower World is an abstract concept.