What I really think will happen when we die_______.
What do you think happens when we die?
by cognac 58 Replies latest jw friends
There's always a reason to live life. Live it for ourselves, others, enjoyment and just for the sake of it. As for an afterlife, it appears to come down to are we a single being or two distinct beings. If single, when the physical goes everything goes. The other takes you into a soul. Despite which one is true life is valuable. Don't waste it like WTS will have you do.
There's always a reason to live life.
Interesting thoughts WWTSSG. I think after being a JW it is very difficult to shift our focus from 'pleasing God' and working ourselves half to death for the WTS onto finding out what we want to do with our lives and learning what makes us happy.
When I first left we contacted an organization called INFORM (Information Focus on New Religious Movements) based at the London School of Economics and they invited my husband to give a talk there as part of a seminar on newish religions.
I remember listening to the other speakers, mostly young people who had left other cults, one from the Children of God, one was a Hare Krishna and they all seemed very intense. I think it was the young woman from the Children of God who said she had great difficulty finding a point to life or to anything after leaving the cult because everything that people were interested in seemed boring and pointless.
I think we all have this problem when we leave the JW and it takes a while to find a purpose to our lives. We have to find what matters to us without being told what to live for and it does take time. Many of the self help books say we should find something that we are passionate about and live for that no matter what others may think of us.
So thinking about life and death sometimes is about saying 'what's the point', finding what matters to us personally and putting our whole heart into it.
I think part of one of the purposes in life is simply finding out who we all are individually, a cult will take away that identitiy of who a person is inside, also one other thing is being good to other people, I do believe in an afterlife but when I get to that point I will find out, but right now I don't worry about it I just am working on finding more of who I am.
When I die I will be surrounded by naked virgins--with chastity belts-- and will drink the--non-alcoholic- wine--of the gods.
I understand what you are trying to say, Cognac. You are wondering what the point of all this is, if there is nothing, after we die. For instance, Jimi Hendrix, if he is just dead and dust now, what was the point--for him, not us? Personally, the fact that it is so painful for survivors when a beloved person has died, that love and pain alone is enough to make a seriously thinking person wonder. I don't care how scientific science is, it is simplistic next to life, our universe and consciouseness and love.
Cofty - If you have been under general anesthetic you will know that you have zero consciousness until they bring you round after the procedure. No dreams, no awareness at all.
The mind is a function of the brain.
A good analogy. Also, Like being in the womb before birth. That's always been a big blank for me, too.
For me, whether there an afterlife or not, it changes my life very little, if at all. My purpose, if that is the right word, remains the same. I am in charge of my life, or at least responsible for my life here and now. If there is an afterlife, i believe i will be responsible over there at more or less the same proportion as i am here. Aint no jesus/devils/gods waiting at the portal to strap on the leash and lead me to judgement and escort me to my eternal home.
Satanas, you're slight universalist.