Well. Here I am, getting old and having my teeth and fillings (literally!) falling apart now, and barely any dental coverage. I just feel so sad and pissed off that I didn't do more when I was a JW and actually had coverage at the time....
But we all know the story... why spend money, time, effort, etc., in getting your teeth fixed when the new system is right around the corner, yes, any day now! Not to mention that you must be full of pride and vanity if you want to expend any extra effort to have nice teeth and gums.
When I got my front tooth capped, it caused a whole furor in the hall. Stumbled all kinds of idiot JWs about my trying to improve my oral health. (Oh, wait, it wasn't about oral health -- it was totally about vanity, because the JWs certainly know better than the dentist who helped fix my tooth!) Elders got involved in speaking to this one sister who was especially vociferous about my capped tooth. (She had very bad teeth herself.) I was told to be careful about not stumbling others and to remember that the Kingdom preaching and teaching work must always be a priority. Jehovah will fix our teeth in the new system (right around the corner!) So leave all our troubles and worries with him and don't think too much of ourselves than is necessary (obviously at the time, teeth weren't necessary!)
It depresses me so much....