Gawd, I wish I'd have gotten my teeth fixed.... :(

by Muddy Waters 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    As far as being British, I couldn't help but notice Camilla, Charles and The Queen, have improved their smiles in just the past few years. They have had the money all along, to have the most beautiful smiles but only recently have availed themselves of Restorative or Cosmetic Dentistry.

    There must be a lot of undeclared competition going on at the KHall's because to me it sounds more like a competitive spirit than an "I'm so happy for you dear Brother or Sister for...whatever".

    What a bunch of sicko's to complain about someone getting their teeth fixed.

    Just Lois

  • villagegirl

    I knew people who failed to get there children's club foot fixed or twisted back

    on the belief Armageddon would fix everything, it is one of the horrors of what

    the WT did to people by insinuation. Shaming people, making them feel guilty

    about their own health care, teeth, cataracts, educating their own children to

    equip them to do some useful and financially secure occuptation, it goes on and on.

    I even knew a woman who had a child born blind and all that was required was

    to remove the cataracts before the child was permanently blind, because if the cataract

    is not removed the brain reassigns the light sensitive cells that deliver information to the

    eye. This woman chose to let her child go blind, because the New World was coming.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Jehovah will fix our teeth in the new system (right around the corner!) So leave all our troubles and worries with him and don't think too much of ourselves than is necessary (obviously at the time, teeth weren't necessary!)

    You mean Jehovah is an oral surgeon?? Won't he be too busy to fix everyone's teeth? After all, he has to rule the earth during the Millennium. Maybe he'll leave that up to the Governing Board. Or...maybe the Governing Board will become oral surgeons!

    Keep the faith!! Keep spitting out your teeth as they come out...don't give in to your vanity! Jehovah's return is just around the corner!


    (P.S. -- Spend some money and get your teeth fixed. It's never too late. I've never had dental insurance.)

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Yeah, I remember the unreal feeling at the KH after I had my tooth capped. NOBODY expressed any happiness at my improved smile. There were suspicious whispers, bad feelings, jealousy from the one sister so bad that the elders had to get involved. And when the elders did get involved they counselled ME for having the temerity to get my tooth capped in the first place. Unfreaking-real.

    Villagegirl, your post about those experiences is sickening. I can't believe I spent so many years in such a backwards, guilt-inducing, mind-numbing, judgmental, petty, and ultimately hostile environment -- where they TOTALLY focus on the tenth of the dill and the mint and the cumin!!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, my mouth is full of dentures. It has a lot to do with ending expensive dental procedures when "the end" was so close. Those procedures would've been worth it.

    I even remember, as a night janitor and floor scrubber (not that there is anything wrong with that job), being asked why I was bothering to get my G.E.D. (high school equivalency) when I would be young and healthy enough to work until Armageddon. I am so glad I didn't get fooled again. But I miss my teeth.

  • wasblind

    I know a man who bought him some teeth off the T.V

    He claim he got 'em for $ 39.00 one size fit all LOL

    Poor soul. His teeth kept movin' even when he stopped talkin'

  • exwhyzee

    Dental care caused a congregation uproar .....WHERE DO YOU LIVE ????

    I know people these kinds of things off (mostly cheap skates who used the new system as an excuse) but I never heard of anyone being stumbled by it.

  • Zordino

    Well, yes. Getting stumbled over someone having their Teeth fixed sounds totally Normal........ if you're a complete Nut Job, idiot, mentally deranged Cult member! This seems too crazy to be a real story!

  • Zordino

    Found Sheep, bty you do have a Nice Smile

  • darthfader

    As we were fading, I decided to get braces at the suggestion of my dentist (who was worried about my severely overcrowded teeth). I remember getting looks of "you are not putting gods kingdom first" from the local "pio-sneers". It was quite upsetting at the time. I'm so glad that I did -- its so nice to be able to eat apples and bite into a sandwich and see the curved outline of the bite (and not the jagged boxy shark-teeth cut).

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