This is a question, that I am very curious about, wondering or pondering, thinking if some people would kiss up to their bosses to get ahead in the company that they were employed in; to get a raise, or a promotion, and then I'm thinking of the 'special treatment' clause if you had a personally relationship w/ your supervisor? I guess w/ my present day situation the thought has crossed my mind, and I can't help but wonder this...if one particular person is "using" me to advance his career. This is a JW issue, cuz this person is a JW.
Would you kiss up to your boss to get ahead?
by butalbee 19 Replies latest jw friends
I think very little of anyone that uses another to get ahead. I am pretty much a take me as I am guy, or not at all.
If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?
No. IMHO, if someone has to "use" another person to advance his/her career or status in the company, I'd say the person isn't worth having around in the first place.
Personally, any position I've held, I worked my butt off, and took pride in my work.
Anyone who would stoop so low as to "use" another person for stepping stone, I would not trust. That person would sell you out in a heartbeat. People like that are cold and uncaring.
I'm trying not to sound too harsh here, but that's a touchy subject with me. That, and lazy people who are just along for the ride.
Absolutely I would. If I wanted to get ahead. Being amoral is incredibly freeing. I no longer have to think in terms of, is something natural or unnatural. Would Jesus do it. Does Jehovah approve. Since I have never cared what humans though about me that takes care of that.
The only thing left is to be pragmatic. What do I want and what cost am I willing to expend to get it? Would I sleep with a woman, absolutely, though probably not while I am married. It is a Gaes I have, not a moral. But if I were seperated or divorced and I could get a substantial raise, absolutely. Now we are not talking about going from seven an hour to eight. In that case I can just go along my merry way.
Hell I would sleep with a man if the price were right. Money is a wonderful thing and I would not object to more of it.
Though rather than a man, I would prefer to get my cult going, get my harem going (and my plural wives, three to be exact) and the three wives could run the seven concubines and make sure that they bring home the bacon. I am a liberated man, I have absolutely no compunction about women earning money..none at all.
Wow--Hyghlandyr--that is quite the plan you've got there. good luck w/ the concubines, and the wives, you're gonna need it.
The only luck I would need really, is convincing my current wife to participate in such a thing with me. Especially since she is one of Jehovahs witnesses. If she left I would have greater success, though perhaps not one hundred percent success.
As far as getting other women that are willing to practice polygamy? That is not a problem at all. Many women, yes including feminists, see it as a viable option.
I got to thinking about it seriously a few years ago when I met this chick that was on her way to Utah. She was not a mormon. Nor had she met anyone out there. She was going there with the express purpose of finding a man that already had several wives so she could marry him also, and join them.
Since then I have talked with a LOT of women about the subject. Many more than I ever expected back then are interested in it. But for now it is fruitless, for now....ehehehehe
If I can't move up by hard work I find another employer.
People that need their asses kissed get the employees they deserve.
I'm one of those sad grafter types who believes in working and doing a good job. I get worked up / feb up when people don't do their jobs right or are in jobs that they can't really do and put more burden on everyone else. Managers are usually the worse! (people get promoted to the level of incompetence)
If I had a beautiful woman boss then I wouldn't mind giving it a go though
Disposable Hero
I think hard work and a good personality among other qualities are what will further you to get ahead. You don't want to kiss up to your boss because that approach can be risky and may even backfire on you. Your work may suffer if are brownosing and your boss may realise that you are brownosing and might frown upon that. You do want to have a good relationship with your boss. But everbodys situation is different. For me personally, my boss told me at the staff X-mas party that she would be in her glory if I were to date her daughter. And I can honestly say that I never really kissed ass. Well, maybe I did a little, but not to get ahead, just to get....well I won't say.
You lie so much you believe yourself
Judge not lest ye be judged yourself -
Define kiss up.
If you mean 'surrendering the pink', or whatever the male equivalent is... I'd only do that if free to do so (i.e. not in a relationship), and if I'd do so anyway (i.e. not with Jabba the Slut (a former boss)).
If we are talking about making your boss feel like you are their blue-eyed boy or girl, their faithful worker, eager, innovative, cheerful, tireless... not that much of a threat... well, hell YES, I kiss up.
Your employer's opinion of you is based as much on your presentation of yourself as it is on your application. Sad but true, harsh but fair.
I don't see it as a problem. It's just being sensible. I am utterly cynical as regards life in the workplace. It's a wolfpack, except wolves bring food to sick and injured members of the pack...
Over-estimating time to completion and thus always being able to finish any job far quicker (if neccesary) is great, as you suddenly seem to be a little miracle worker. And knowing exactly what your boss is going to ask you when they come towards you is very useful. Always carrying some paper with you when you walk round the office is a great way of looking busy. It worked in 1984, it works in 2002.
Based on wolfpack rules, you should also not piss on members of the pack beneath you (i.e., don't make their lives shit by your machinations), as it always ends up bad, so I agree with Simon on his dislike of people who dump work on co-workers.
I am a 'little boss' myself, having 7-12 people under me. I use a bullshit low, don't piss with me I won't piss with you, make my life easy, yours will be easy, we know what we have to do, let's work together to do it ethos. It works - people transfer to my department as it's a nice place to work.
I also agree that management contains some of the biggest morons I have ever met.
This normally means I lose respect for the people I work for and have to find a new job, as it gets to the point where I start sneering when they enter the room, which is giving your boss the kiss off, not the kiss up...
In a job I need someone who knows my shit and can get the best out of me, rather than someone who is an on going sociology experiment. The end product is I can work most peoples asses off if motivated.